Deuteronomy 32:34-35 (NKJV)
34 ‘Is this not laid up in store with Me,
Sealed up among My treasures?
35 Vengeance is Mine, and recompense;
Their foot shall slip in due time;
For the day of their calamity is at hand,
And the things to come hasten upon them.
God puts it on my heart and until I share, I can't find peace. Those moments, just before sleep are sometimes crazy. This seems to be the time the Lord speaks to me the clearest. I wake up in mid sentence and sometimes scripture. I wasn't sleeping yet, but I heard the words, "Their foot will slip in due time." I know God is about love and that is His main concern, but He talks to me about a lot of things and lately it is His anger. God does say, "That's enough." There is scripture to back this up and what comes next is not good.
Immediately when I heard the words, I looked to see what time it was and it was 12:12. The number 12 refers to government and the Lord is speaking about the government of the Church and the government of this nation. He is angry. He has warned and warned and warned. He has shown me that many leaders are being controlled by demonic spirits and I have prayed their eyes would be open to truth, I have asked Him to forgive them, because they are not aware of the creatures who are controlling them, but God explained to me they are still making a choice. Even when a demonic spirit is ruling us, we still know right from wrong. We know we are lying when we tell a lie. We know we are bullying when we allow our angry outbursts. These leaders are not turning to God for help and He is the only One who can save them. Pride, arrogance, control, manipulation, etc. etc. God is done with it.
We should fear the Lord more than we fear the enemy. He is in charge. The spirit of religion, witchcraft, and Jezebel are ruling so much of the Church. But what He has been talking to me about in the last couple days is the spirit of Ahab. Those who sit back and let the control, the angry outbursts continue are just as guilty as the one who is demanding he knows how things need to be.
We are about to see some major churches fall. We are about to see major leaders fall. He is speaking more about the Church than national government in this area. He needs the Church to be ready for new believers to walk in the door. He is bringing them. But the arrogance in the Church is chasing them back out the door. Arrogance, like when a Jehovah's Witness walks through the door to check out this Christianity thing and the pastor makes a crack about JW's. Where do you think that guy snuck off to? Back to where he is accepted.
Nebuchadnezzar was cut down and driven crazy two live with the wild beasts because of his arrogance. There is going to be some serious logging going on, because I see a lot of trees coming down. Those who think it's all about them instead of God. Those who see what is happening and are not doing anything. Jezebel can only be taken out by a pastor. Pastor's aren't doing anything. Ahab's are giving her control and what is she doing? She is out killing the one's who are telling the truth. Why? Because she knows it is the truth. In the gut of the person under the spirit of Jezebel, they know the truth is being spoken and yet they choose to do it their own way. I know of one pastor who has a spirit on him that has 7 arms and scales. The scales represent pride. When I asked God what the seven arms meant, He said it is an imitation of Him. I don't totally understand this, but this person knows they are lying and manipulating and yet they believe they are hearing God. Anger and confusion is a sure fire sign of who is in control of your thought life. It's not God.
My heart is hurting for the people being hurt, by these demonically influenced leaders. I have comforted baby Christians who have been deeply wounded by these people, Even though these leaders know something is wrong, they are too arrogant to reach out for help. They speak words their actions don't support. For instance, I heard a pastor say we don't need to be doing spiritual warfare, just give it to God, yet I know of a time this pastor brought a team to a house to drive out demons. It was more than one time, so why doesn't his words back up his actions? Actions and words don't line up. He is under demonic influence of Jezebel and all those under his teaching, all those pastors under his authority are in danger. We are in the last days and Jezebel is back stronger than ever. Pray for the Elijah spirit to return and finally put that witch in her place.
The Jezebel spirit can sit dormant in a person for years and when an old wound is reopened, all hell breaks loose as she comes out in a rage. This is why forgiveness and the healing of old wounds is so important.
Some of the signs you are under the spirit of jezebel
1. You refuse to admit guilt or wrongdoing
2. Lies - very well I might add
3. Talks in circles
4. Takes credit
5. Volunteers in many areas
6. Criticizes
7. Ignores people
8. Accuses others of being under the influence of Jezebel
9. Domineering
10. Vengeful
11. Acts religious
12. Knows it all
13. Demands forgiveness, but does not forgive
14. Puts words in other peoples mouth
15. Loves to Vent
16. Exaggerates
17. Independent
18. Withholds information
19. Likes to use the element of surprise
20. Commands attention
There are many other signs. I would suggest reading a good book on Jezebel. "Confronting Jezebel" by Steve Sampson or "Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit" by John Paul Jackson. If you have the spirit on you the first thing it will do is point toward someone else. Before you read a book like this I would pray that God show you what you need to see and that he blind you from the rest. We all have a degree of desire to control in us, so if anything touches you repent right away. Repentance is the only way out of this. We have to be brave and ask God to show us the truth. His patience with people under this spirit is just about out. This spirit loves to fill us with fear. But, we have all the authority we need and moving closer to Jesus is the way. If you are dealing with this spirit go straight to God and listen to Him. Make sure it is Him by checking to see if His words line up with scripture.
The other night in a vision the Lord gave me a picture of a white wolf. It was sitting with it's back to me and howling. I asked the Lord what it meant. I said to Him that white means pure. Very clearly the Lord spoke to me and said, "It is still a wolf." The fact that it was howling meant something too. It represented the voice of a wicked person. The Lord had me watch a movie where very likeable thieves were stealing jewelry and taking it to a jeweler and he would change it up so it wasn't recognizable. Say they gave him a ring. He would melt down the gold and reset the stone in a different ring. He would say repeatedly, "It comes in dirty and it goes out clean." The Lord said, "It is still stolen." Even though the criminals were likeable they were still criminals. We have to pray for discernment. I have said it before and I will say it again, it is so necessary in these days we are living in. If your spirit says something is wrong - listen! Go to God and if you can't be sure you are hearing Him, go to a person away from those you know. The enemy does not take over one persons life without taking a few around him. If you rely on one person to tell you what is going on in the spiritual realm, you could be in deep trouble. Go to someone who doesn't know those around you and ask them to pray with you. Ask for words of knowledge and prophecy and then check them with God and scripture.
God is waiting for you. He hears your prayers and He sees your tears. Just this morning He had me read about Hezekiah and until this morning I had never heard of him. It's a good read. If you are not in God's will, and you are misleading or hurting His flock, He will take you out. BUT, He will hear your cries of repentance if you are willing to repent. He is listening. Are you?
We are born sinners, destined for hell. As we look up out of the pit, there is Jesus and in His hand He is holding out the cross for us to grab hold of so He can lift us out. But, it is our choice to grab on or to stay in the hell we are in. If we are not living in His will, we are living in the will of Satan.
I am going to sleep now and I will decide whether God wants this one posted in the morning. Well, it's morning and I guess this is a go - I am praying for every person who reads this and needs to see the truth will see it. That God opens eyes through this writing. I am praying for you. Jesus loves you.
Revelation 2:20-22
New International Version (NIV)
20 Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. 21 I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling. 22 So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways.