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Friday, August 28, 2015

"B" Jesus

“It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present in us; it is the very sign of His presence.”
C.S. Lewis

     I went there to pray for others.  I was trying to worship in preparation for praying for healing over emotionally, spiritually and physically broken people, but it was hard to focus.  Less than two hours earlier I had received a text from my friend.  One of my oldest friendships.  I value those I have carried a friendship with over decades, because there are so few of them left.  Most of my close friends are dead.  At 3:33 I received the text; "Hi, I have cancer."  There were more words, but I didn't see them.  That was two days ago and as I maneuver my way through the days, every couple hours an invisible hand comes out of no where and grabs me by the throat and I can't breathe.  I have to go back to the chess board.  On my knees in worship shortly after "the text" I told Jesus, "I don't want to be here.  I don't know how to feel.  This hurts.  I'm scared.  He is not a believer.  What do I do right now in this minute?"  He showed me a huge chess board with people sitting in the squares waiting for their next move.  "No matter where the pieces move they are still in the picture."  I'm not sure what this means exactly.  All I know is he is my oldest male friendship that has lasted over the years.  Even when we get together and talk about friends, they are dead now.  I am too young for this.

     Priority is salvation.  He lost his best friend to cancer only months ago.  I prayed for him, but he wouldn't let us come to his bedside and probably died without Jesus.  My friend, I will call "B" and I talk about God.  He knows cancer doesn't come from God, so he believes and he knows God is good even when his friend is dying.  He asks for prayer support, so he believes in prayer.  Priority of salvation is moving forward.  There is even a church he goes to occasionally with his girlfriend and he likes the pastor.  Awesome.  But we never talk long before he remembers the ugly stuff.  "B" is an intelligent man and an artist.  He likes to laugh and he really cares about people.  I met him in the 12 step program so we have a lot in common when it comes to dealing with feelings as we are of those who choose numbing over dealing.  But because we have been friends so long, we know we are safe to share our feelings.  After all these years we can share with eye contact, no words necessary.  He doesn't like Christians and I don't blame him.  What he has seen is not love, it's stupid. 
     "B" went to a baby dedication at another church and the pastor was talking about stupid stuff, not God.  He was not winning "B" over by far, in fact, he was running him out.  He wanted to get up and leave.  It's hard to separate Christ and Christians to those who have not yet decided.  I can say amateur psychology does not belong in the church. 
     I wonder how we find unity when people don't want truth.  I have repeatedly told my friends, if I am not seeing a spirit on me, a habit or an unloving behavior on myself, please tell me.  I want to know.  Even if I get up and leave, I promise to look at it and I will be back.  I don't want to be stuck.  I want to grow.  Everybody has little things they are dealing with and we will always heal and continue to grow.  I love seeing this stuff, because I can pray, but it's the big gaping wounds that are seeping on others that make me crazy.  Like a street preacher who is screaming in judgment outside a church and my 5 year old grandson is scared.  Really?  Really?  You obviously have gifts of great knowledge of scripture and boldness, but you are scaring children, my children and grandchildren and that is not okay.  Especially when they are finally open to God and you scream them into the car and out of the parking lot.   They are traumatized 2 weeks later.  "B" don't look at them.  Don't look at anyone holding a sign with fire and hell on it.
     "B" don't look at that guy with the "I love my church" T-shirt who just screamed profanity.  "B" all believers don't drive like that.  Let's talk about Jesus.  "B" over here, stop looking at that short skirt on that children's ministry leader.  "B" the pastor may be having an off day.  Let's talk about Jesus.  It's really hard to focus on the unknown invisible God when His kids are so visibly not being Christ like. 
   I sat and watched people and I couldn't tell the difference.  "B" understands the baby believers, but in the 12 step program the old timers stand out.  They usually have wisdom and knowledge in every situation.  But in the Church very few old timers stand out from others, unless they are wearing a scowl of judgment.  Yep, I won't be taking "B" to any churches.  But I will be bringing friends, spiritual fully believing in the bigness of God, friends to him to introduce Jesus. 

“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.”
C.S. Lewis

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Son or slave? And to Whom?

1 Thessalonians 5:18-22   New American Standard Bible (NASB)

18 in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 19 Do not quench the Spirit; 20 do not despise prophetic [
a]utterances. 21 But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; 22 abstain from every [b]form of evil.

     I'm looking for a copy of The Holy Bible part 2.  There must be a newer testament that tells us to be nice no matter what.  That's what I am hearing all around me, that Jesus is nothing but nice.  The last testament I read, the New One, is not all about being nice.  I won't mention Saul was struck blind to help him see Jesus or anything about Ananias, and his wife Sapphira falling down dead for lying, but what about the woman at the well?  Is it nice to say, "Go call your husband and come here", knowing she not only had no husband, but had been married 5 times and was now living with a man?  If I did that to someone, I would be labelled mean.  I can only imagine what shame she was feeling and maybe embarrassment.  Is that nice?  Scripture does not say there were other people around so maybe He was nice in approaching the subject in private, but whatever knowledge we have about how things were back then, we don't know that others were not listening in on their conversation.
     I have experienced times in my walk that I would not call Jesus "nice" and there are people who do not believe it was Jesus.  Why?  Because they have been programmed in niceness.  But when I tell my stories to some who have experienced similar things they break down, because they realize they are not crazy.  We have a bigger problem and it stems from this niceness.  People, leaders, those who have walked with Jesus longer are too quick to say, that's not Jesus.  I have friends, most of my friends who have not experienced Jesus the way I have, but, they know me, and they know my relationship with Him and the experiences I have.  I would say the most difficult, the most abandoned and betrayed I felt from the way Jesus was treating me was in my room a few years back.  Try to imagine, I was coming to terms with the truth that Jesus was not the cause of years of abuse.  I had felt betrayed by Him my whole life and was just beginning to understand this thing called "freewill".  As I was worshipping in my room, deep in worship and I could feel His presence before me, as I was on my face, suddenly He moved away and a demon appeared.  I could still feel Him to my right, but was completely confused as to why He would move away and allow this demon to sit in front of me.  I was angry, I was hurt, I was confused and if this thing wasn't blocking me I would have walked out.  Jesus said, "Make it go."  I yelled back at Him, "You make it go.   I can't believe you would turn me over to this thing after I was beginning to believe you."  He repeated, "Make it go."  I said, "You make it go, You're Jesus."  After several minutes of being consumed by my hurt, disguised in anger, I did make it go and He showed me the lesson.  I had learned my authority and He was with me.  It was the most difficult lesson, but one of the most freeing.  Was He nice?  NO!  Was it necessary?  It worked.  I will never forget it.
     As I grew in confidence and my fear faded, I began to share my experiences with others.  Then it happened to me.  The one person who had spent many hours trying to convince me Jesus loved me and that I did hear Him, suddenly changed his story when I told Him something he didn't want to hear.  Since then I fight doubt all the time.  When I finally asked Jesus why I could not surrender that last little piece of me I was hiding away from Him, as though He really couldn't see it, He brought this up.  In the gentle way He does things, He led me to a teaching.  It was one I was only half listening to as I was focused on other things, but one sentence caught my attention.  My spirit jumped and I had to get paper, pen and rewind the teaching.
     This man was speaking about people leaving the church in great numbers.  Many have had a spiritual experience they did not understand and because the church did not know how to answer their questions, they go looking elsewhere.  One example John told of was when he was having a conversation with the head witch from New England.  This guy had a spiritual experience and asked his pastor what was happening to him.  The pastor said, "God doesn't speak that way anymore.  That was the devil."  He told the pastor, "I have seen more power in this experience than I've ever seen in the church.  I'm going to find the devil."  He did.  As John was talking with him, the Lord revealed that the experience was a call to be a pastor.  The man had several gifts.  A gift to understand spiritual things, a gift to rally people together and a gift of bringing people into a new destination.  The witch knew it was true and his eyes filled with tears.  He said, "It is too late, now."  John didn't give up on him and they spent a lot of time together, but four months later he died of an over dose.  Somebody, probably led by satan, injected him with a lethal dose of drugs.  Why?  Because he was getting to know God.  I totally understood this.  Though I would never walk away from God, I have tried to give the Lord back my gifts.  I have shied away from ministry on several occasions.  Doubt.  Doubt is a killer and instead of saying someone is hearing the wrong spirit, we need to walk them through scripture that confirms or denies.  This is a bigger problem than we realize.
     At New Age fairs, many, many of the people once went to church and believed in God, but the spiritual power they felt, whether it was from God or the enemy,  compared to a passive church that does not know it's authority was to enticing.  They had to go find a spiritual being to submit to and it is not always God they find.  By looking at the sleeping church today, it often appears the enemy has more power.  The world has changed the meaning of the word spiritual.  All this New Age stuff is talking about being spiritual, but you are your own God or we are all part of a bigger god.  Some don't realize it's not the one and only King of Kings and other's don't care.  John Pail Jackson said, "The only time darkness wins is when we find darkness is more submitted to their god than we are to ours.  We are far too passive with the majesty of God.  This passivity which may even become apathy, to the majesty of God is what keeps authority from growing in us."
     This apathy, I believe, is also contributing to this "niceness" that is spreading like wildfire.  Can't we all just get along, hide our heads and pretend everything is okay?  NO!  Things are not okay.  Hebrews 5:7-8 says In the days of His flesh, He offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to the One able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His piety. (8) Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. Really?  Jesus learned obedience through the things He suffered?  Then why are we so afraid of pain?  Why are we so afraid we are going to hurt some one's feelings?  Why are we afraid to suffer?  Most people will tell you it was in the suffering they found Jesus.
      The elect may be fooled, because the enemy has been working out this plan for a long time.  The words from the teaching I was listening to, that stood out to me were "they will flatter you.  They will tell you things you will become"  As I went back and listened I realized, I had fallen for this.  Romans 16:18 For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own [i]appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.  False teachers and prophets use flattery.  I had one tell me I was going to do something great that changed this geographical area and though there were many more words, that was really all she said.  I fell for the flattery for a short time, but then I saw it.  The problem with too much niceness, is it sounds a lot like flattery.  Without sharp discernment, how will we know the difference?  Even the elect may be fooled. 
     Also in the teaching the thing that stood out to me is how God woos us back to Him if we wander off.  The father running out to meet the prodigal son on his return is often used, because it is a great example.  John compared it to the dark spirits when you wander away from them.  "They don't just say, sorry to see you go, they then threaten you, cajole you, roust you, come to you and with violence want to bring you back."  If you walk away from a relationship and this is the behavior you experience it's a good sign to keep walking.  It was more clear to me than ever what was going on.
     As our prophets become psychics and our evangelists and pastors become voices for the enemy, the church sleeps.  In fact, many in the church are listening to these false teachers who are teaching there is more than one way to God.  Marianne Williamson for example bases her teaching and writing on a set of books called A Course in Miracles, a self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy, based on universal spiritual themes.  According to Time magazine, "Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity.  Many churches offer her courses as she appears on Oprah Winfrey and they agree there is more than one way to God.  THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY and it is through Jesus. 
     People are looking for a spiritual guide and when we as the Church do not introduce them to the Holy Spirit, they will go looking elsewhere and there is one who is more than happy to fill that need.  The Church's fear of the supernatural is causing many to fall away in different ways.  Are you in the wrong church?  Have you asked God is this is where you're supposed to be?  I am blown away at what I am seeing the Church doing.    They won't allow speaking in tongues, yet they have grace for the guy who cusses like a sailor.  They will not allow dancing during worship, yet post pics of their monthly outing to dance at the local bar with a dance floor.  They won't use wine for communion, to protect the alcoholic, yet the pastor gives his sermon with the smell of beer on his breath.  There are witches, warlocks, and Satanists sitting in our churches, cursing church members and casting their spells, but the church is unaware, except for the Jezebel who sits in the back laughing and then shakes their hands as they leave.  "See you next week."
     Why have so many left the church?  Because they see into the spirit realm and know the truth, yet when they speak up they are called judgmental and told shut up or leave.  The enemy has control of many churches and people don't even realize it.  Most Church members have no idea of the authority they have.  That authority comes through a close walk with Jesus.  The closer you are the more authority He gives.  But the sleeping Church is putting too much faith in a human pastor.  A pastor who is afraid of the demonic.  Until we truly walk with Him, know who we are in Him and find our authority in Him, the world is not going to change.  Power is a gift and satan lost his authority when he fell, but he did not lose his power.  The only authority he has is what we give him and many in the church have handed authority over to him.  We all fear hearing the words from God, "I never knew you."  What does that mean?  Consider this, Adam knew Eve and she bore a son.  It's intimacy that produces a son, works produces a slave.
     We are too dependent on the natural.  We are too aligned with world thinking.  Wisdom from God is not from experience or education, but a form of revelation.  John Paul says "The problem with us humans is divine logic seems to be chaotic and illogical to our lower logic.  Divine logic flows from an uncreated, unlimited source.  It flows from deity."  When are we going to realize that we are not smarter than God?  We are following those smooth tongues who in reality are only submitted as far as they can understand or control.  When you try to control the Holy Spirit, you quench Him.  You put Him in a box.  Most of those controlling pastors set the box out behind the church building.  If we have Jesus in us, demons should shriek and run, but instead they are handing us the collection plate each Sunday as they say, "Good Morning".

There is a realm of the spirit we can walk in that the new age craves. The reason they are not in church is not because they don't crave God. It's because the Church is unresponsive to their experience. - John Paul Jackson

Monday, August 24, 2015

Dreams: God talk.

“Will we act, or will we sit on our hands? I don’t want to show up on that day only to hear God say, “This nation—where is My church? There’s still too much sin, too much covenant with Baal, too much pornography, too much perversion, too much materialism, greed, pride, and arrogance. They have missed their hour of grace; only judgment awaits.”
James W. Goll, The Call of the Elijah Revolution 

      According to John Paul Jackson, one third of our day we sleep and one third of the bible speaks of dreams and visions and revelation, either directly or indirectly.  I find this correlation interesting.  I believe God is speaking a lot more than we are listening.  In taking a course on dream interpretation, I have been confirmed in many words I received from God.  For instance, in the months before I started this study, I wrote down the words the Lord spoke to me, "Past prophetic dreams may mean something different now - wider spread".  I also wrote these words He spoke to me, "Don't limit my words by putting them in a box - multiple meanings."  As the study began, one of the things that was said, was "A dream may have one meaning today and a broader or more specific meaning tomorrow and the greatest meaning years from now."  I knew I was right where He wanted me.
     There was a day I was feeling guilty about spending so much time trying to figure out the meaning of my dreams.  I asked God to forgive me and He replied with, "I love this about you."  I decided that had to be my flesh and put aside interpreting my dreams.  Then when this study came up and I jumped into it, I was pleasantly surprised when I heard, "God loves it when we study our dreams, because it's getting to know Him.  Our dreams tell us how He communicates and teaches us His nature.  Studying your dreams, remembering them, praying about them, is exactly the same as meditating on the word of God.  It is His word."
     I have to say at this point that as with any word you believe is from God, it has to pass the test.  Dreams can also come from the enemy and from our flesh.  Check them against scripture.  Though the Lord does allow some of dreams from the enemy, because he reveals his plan and we can pray against it. 
     Most dreams for most people are about themselves.  They are either showing something Jesus wants to change about you, giving direction, or they can be a warning.  If you read through scripture it is very interesting how many words from God came through visions and dreams.  I go through times, where I wonder if I hear from God at all and when that happens I ask for a dream.  He will always give me a dream I cannot deny was from Him, but I pray regularly that I only remember dreams allowed by Him for His purpose.  I have spent the last few days writing out all my dreams and their interpretations and putting them in a binder.  More than once the Holy Spirit has shown me even more about my dreams.  He is the interpreter and any interpretation we get is the true gift of prophetic dreaming.  I have been pleasantly surprised at how many interpretations I received even years ago that totally line up with the teaching.  The thing I have most valued from this study is confirmation that I hear Him. 
     The next most valued is my sanity.  I am not crazy.  We will hear as much as we are willing to hear.  Seer and people with a prophetic gift are trusted with His words.  The most amazing thing is realizing He is talking to me as I walk through each day.  I may not understand it all right away, but it is Him.  It was a Thursday and I was in line at a convenience store.  The woman in front of me was paying for her things and was short 42 cents.  She had to run out to her car, but I said I would pay it.  Off she went, I paid her 42 cents and paid for my own stuff and left.  The next day, my daughter called and told me a story about being at the counter to pay for her stuff and she was short 42 cents.  WHAT?  How does that happen.  I knew the Lord wanted to show me something.  I plugged 42 into the bible search program and Revelation 13:5  There was given to him a mouth speaking [a]arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority to act for forty-two months was given to him.
     I sat on that for a few days, unsure of what God was saying.  Was I being arrogant?  Was somebody else in my life?  I prayed, asked forgiveness if it was me and let it go.  Then I was listening to a teaching, but not really focused until I heard him say "42 and then the other 42"  WHAT?  I looked up the scripture.  Revelations 11:1-3  Then there was given me a [a]measuring rod like a staff; [b]and someone said, “Get up and measure the [c]temple of God and the altar, and those who worship in it. [d]Leave out the court which is outside the [e]temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; and they will tread under foot the holy city for forty-two months. And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”    1260 days is 42 months.  One right after the other?  I don't know why He is showing me this, but this is how He talks to me and would talk to anyone willing to pay attention and listen.  We have to know His voice, we have to know His heart, His ways, or we will be fooled in the last days. 
     The dreams He has given me are mostly asking me to pray for leadership.  If the enemy can fool a leader into following him, then most of the flock will follow too.  In fact the Lord spoke those words to me.  "Many will be deceived when the one they have followed for years is deceived.  When he falls off the path they will follow."  We have to have our own communication with Jesus.  We don't want Him saying, I never knew you.  Who we trust today may be the elect fooled tomorrow.  If something in your spirit says something isn't right, check it with scripture and ask God to show you truth.  Knowledge can change when more knowledge is attained, but Truth is Truth and it never changes. 

“Father, we know that dreams and their interpretations belong to You. With honor coupled with a deep hunger, we ask You to give us Your wisdom applications, in Jesus’ great name, Amen.”
James W. Goll, Dream Language: The Prophetic Power of Dreams