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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Answers to Unprayed Prayers.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein
     I may have told this story before, but today it is huge in my head!! It's about answers to unprayed prayers. It's about those times when Jesus totally sets you up. For instance, praying in tongues is an amazing gift from God that we can all have. I don't even know what I am saying, but the tears are rolling and I know He is looking into places of my heart I did not know existed. I heard a story about a man and his mentor. The man said he was okay with not being married. He was available for whatever God had for him. He was happy with his freedom to be available. But, one day his mentor was listening to him on his knees praying in tongues to God when suddenly the mentor received the interpretation of the tongues he was praying. He was crying out to God for a wife and a family he didn't even know he wanted. There are places in our heart we have blocked off and forgotten. When the mentor shared the interpretation with the man, it only took months before he was married and had a child on the way. It's so good when He answers prayers that we didn't know we prayed.
    My story happened years ago while I lived in Texas. I answered phones, so I had a lot of free time. That was my only responsibility and I was second in line to answer, so it was very slow at times. They didn't care what I did between calls as long as I answered right away when the phone rang. I bought a notebook and a pen and I started writing a story. I still have it around here somewhere, but I never did anything with it. Actually it wasn't about the story as it was an answer to an unprayed prayer. The story was about a rape. A woman was raped, while her male friend was tied to a chair in the next room. I wrote the story from his perspective, sharing his feelings, though I wondered how I knew his feelings. As I wrote, chapter by chapter I would turn the story over to one of the owners of the company and good friend of mine and he would read it that night and return it the next day at work so I could continue writing. Some day's he would become impatient if he didn't see me spending as much time writing as he thought I should.
    There was a part in the story where the male friend was so frustrated and angry he beat a tree with a stick, until his hands were bloodied. My friend who was reading the story asked how I knew how this man felt. I didn't know, though years later I put it together that it was from being molested at the same time as much younger girls. Being the oldest and protective brought out those feelings a man would have who was unable to protect, not wanting to believe he was also a victim.
    One day my friend asked me to go for dinner. I thought nothing of it, because we did it often. As we ate he began to tell me his story. It was many years earlier when he was working in another state. He took his wife and new baby with him, not wanting to be away from them that long. He went to work one morning only to receive a call to get back to the motel. His wife had been raped by knifepoint. I will never forget the look on his face or the tears in his eyes. I had no idea when I started the story, that God was using me. My friend told me he packed up his family and drove home and they never spoke of it. I instantly knew the damage of not talking about it and how that eats away at your worth and replaces it with shame. The miracle was that he knew it had probably been the reason they were no longer married. I told him what that feels like when nobody wants to hear about it, or talk about it. He made a dinner date with her to say he was sorry for not talking.
    I was not following God at the time. In fact I was about as far from God as I could be. But I prayed while they were at dinner. The next morning at work his face said it all. They had talked. They had apologized for the silence. They forgave. They cried together. They are remarried today. Who knew? It blows my mind that Jesus planned that all out and used me without any of us knowing what He was up to.

     As far as I know my friend and his ex-wife were not praying about that situation exactly.  I doubt either was praying they would get back together.  But God knew what needed to be healed and He made it happen without prayer.  Yesterday I did ministry with a friend and there was a song she plays often and I always forget to ask who the band is.  I remembered yesterday and she said, United Pursuit.  WHAT?  What an awesome name for a band who sings about Jesus.  I love being United with Him in His Pursuit!!

If you are seeking after God, you may be sure of this: God is seeking you much more. He is the Lover, and you are His beloved. He has promised himself to you. - John of the Cross

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