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Friday, July 31, 2015

We better stop!

“The only man who has the right to say that he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

     There is nothing like waking up shortly after 5 am because the Holy Spirit wants to talk about perspective.  You know those movies, where the tough guy rolls a chair right under somebody he wants to interrogate, forcing the guy to sit down, sit now and sit hard.  Yeah, that's the feeling this morning.  It's not like He wants my side of the story, but He wants me to have His.  Even though God knows all and I believe has no need of processing His thoughts, this is one of those times where it feels like He is processing and bouncing it all off me hoping something sinks in.
    This is where He started, Grant's perspective on an addicts overdose is much different than most people.  Grant is a pastor of a church I went to in the beginning of my search for the meaning of life, my life in particular.  Grant has performed many, many, too many funerals for very young people.  He is good at it.  So, from his point, he sees the waste, the spiritual scoreboard and the way it affects so many people, family, friends, and community.  He may even see things, like the community growing numb to young death.  I don't know what he is seeing.  I can only guess.  Ahhhh, part of the processing.  When a parent loses a child, they might feel very alone, like no one understands ... I don't really know because I have never lost a child.  Some people in this sick world don't seem to care about losing their child and some are even taking the life of their own child.  I love processing early in the morning.  NOT.
     Tolerance?  We should always know that somebody else's perspective is going to be different than ours.  Siblings for instance, should know what it is like to be you, raised in the same home, by the same parents, etc. but they don't, cause the relationships are different.  What is the point of this conversation?  Everybody's right, nobody is wrong ... oh great now I have a song in my head... I should not write this early...

"For What It's Worth"
There's something happening here
But what it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware

I think it's time we stop
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's going down?

There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking' their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind

It's time we stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's going down?

What a field day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly saying, "hooray for our side"

It's time we stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's going down?

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
Step out of line, the men come and take you away

We better stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's going down?
     Now that I have that somewhat out of my system.  But wasn't that so fitting to where we are in this country right now?  Oh yeah.  Years ago, I had a very serious conversation with man who is gay.  This is somebody I care very deeply for and will not give up because our beliefs are different.  I will never forget him saying to me with tears in his eyes, "Do you think I would choose this life if I had a choice?"  Do you know who else said the same thing to me?  Same tone, same tears.  Addicts.  Soul living.  Feeding the flesh.  I'm starting to get it this morning God and yet I still have no coffee.  BREAK - gotta get coffee.
     A little more awake now and what I am seeing is how much we have failed in this country.  We live from our souls, mind will and emotion.  We have no idea what self discipline is, because we have very little discipline at all.  To make disciples, discipline has got to be learned, but parents aren't doing it, because they haven't learned to discipline themselves, and the church isn't doing it, because they haven't learned to discipline themselves and even if God is doing it, we blame it on the enemy, because a God of love wouldn't do that.  BULL.  Somebody has to start speaking the truth, the cold hard truth and stop loving this country right into the institutions.  I truly believe there is a group who is not afraid to be hated, they are not afraid of death and they are going to be speaking some discipline into this country.  We can stomp our feet and cry to our mommy's but it won't do any good, because Daddy is speaking.  It's time to grow up and teach the kids, who they are.  Giving in is not giving love.  They will know there was a prophet among them.
We better stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's going down? - Buffalo Springfield


Thursday, July 30, 2015

You can't lie to teach TRUTH!!

“You will know as much of God, and only as much of God, as you are willing to put into practice.”
Eric Liddell, The Disciplines Of The Christian Life 
     How did this country get so far from God?  By playing with the enemy's toys.  We all have a hole in us only Jesus can fill, but we try to fill it with all kinds of other things, even spiritual things, but if it's not the spirit of God, then you are putting another God/idol before Him.  One of the ways to experience a supernatural encounter that is safe and is a great first step is to read the bible out loud to the Holy Spirit.  It's that simple.  Invite the Holy Spirit, ask for protection from the enemy and choose a chapter.  The Holy Spirit loves it when we read scripture to Him.  Why?  Because it gives Him an opportunity to show up.  Read as though you are reading to a child.  Have fun with it.  He will enjoy it and suddenly you will see things in scripture you did not see before and you will understand things that didn't really make sense before.  This is also a great way to practice hearing His voice.  If you read and listen, He will speak to you.  It's a great way to start if you really want to interact with Him.  It will bring joy and peace. 
     As people are searching for that "spiritual guide" they are stepping onto the enemy's playground and the Holy Spirit, the true spirit does not play there.  One way is yoga, which is the worship of another god, and no matter how much Christian music you play the enemy is still laughing.  The stuff we bring in to our homes through television and books actually invites the demonic in.  Out of curiosity I read up on what exactly a luau is after I heard more than one believer say they will not attend one.  Quick explanation, the males and females ate separately, but the king in his lust and perversion changed that and now  not only do they eat together but there is sensual dancing.  A church actually had a luau in God's house, inviting lust and perversion in.  Most didn't recognize it, because it has lived there for a long time.  I heard a 14 year old say she had her first lap dance that night.  That's disgusting.  I was looking at the pictures of the faces these dancers were making and the demonic face in the smoke of a candle was enough to convince me.  When I asked the pastor what he saw in the smoke, he saw a seductive woman and my case was made.  He still thinks I am crazy, but that is exactly what the enemy wants him to think.  If we want to know if another religion is bad, we think nothing of reading their literature, but how many times do we believe something from one persons opinion of one single experience, and the enemy loves this.  The enemy will always twist the truth.  Counterfeit money does not look like monopoly money, instead it looks like the real thing.  Often a good counterfeiter takes the real thing and changes the number on it, which makes it look like it is worth more, but no matter what it is a counterfeit and truly worth nothing.  If you have a large church or churches, the enemy does not want to shut it down, he wants to lead it in the wrong direction.  Let's say the pastor is having an affair.  It is smarter for the enemy to keep it quiet and slowly lead the pastor into false teaching and have all those people follow too.  When the affair is exposed it is Jesus who exposes it and this is why scripture says to call out our brothers in sin if we are to be like Jesus.  If he has fallen to temptation and is now following the enemy, and we don't call him on it, he will lead his followers over the same cliff he is walking off.  I think they call that a soul train.  Ha.
     Our soul is our mind, will and emotions and is all about comforting us.  Our soul is where lust lies.  Our soul is where Satan goes to tempt us and when our  soul responds it's always about us, what we want, what we think, what we feel.  On the other hand, our spirit, wisdom, conscience, and communion is about edification and when we respond in the spirit it is about someone else's good or need.  When our soul is in charge, we look for comfort for ourselves and this makes it easy for the enemy to step in, but when our spirit is in charge we are more concerned with others and their needs than our own.  I tell people who can't get past there anger at someone to bless that person.  That has to come from the spirit and it's hard to stay angry at someone you are praying blessings for.  We are not called to kill our soul, but we are to make it submit to our spirit, though you will hear many teachers say our spirit should submit to our soul.  The enemy loves that lie.  In fact the confusion about the difference between soul and spirit is the enemy's doing and confuses scripture or twists it
    I hear people over and over lately talk of an angry world we are living in.  I don't see that.  We are living in a world full of fear.  Not fear of God, not healthy fear, but enemy generated fear.  Even the pastors, even the long time believers are scared.  Why?  Because the enemy has convinced us/them we are not good enough.  This is all about identity.  When a leader/teacher has to lie to teach you his lesson, that's exactly what it is, his lesson, not from God.  When a teacher has to slam other ministries, he is scared.  He is not afraid of the other ministries, but he is afraid he is not good enough. 
     There seems to be a shame factor here.  For instance, I heard about a girl who is saving herself for marriage and how she was getting beat up on line.  Why?  Because if someone is doing something good and we are not doing that same thing, does that make us bad?  I would have to ask, "How many of those slandering her did not save themselves for marriage?"  The enemy steps in and covers them in shame and then fear and anger and defensiveness.  When this happens to us, we tend to call good things bad things if we have not achieved them.  For instance many are afraid of speaking in tongue and speak out against it, like it is not important, but it was important enough to be mentioned in the Bible.  In fact, 1 Corinthians 14:39 & 40 says Therefore, my brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak in tongues. 40 But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.  The point is we are running from the good things of God, in fear that the enemy will sneak in, while at the same time in many areas we are playing on the enemy's playground and believing God will show up.  Anything not of God is anti-Christ,
     I feel like I am sitting with my mouth hanging open as I watch the world around me give in to fear.  Fear and faith are the same thing; a belief that something that hasn't happened will happen.  Whether it is fear or faith depends on who is your God.  Once you believe it's going to happen, you actually open a door for it to happen.  I got very angry the other night when I heard of this pastor/teacher lying to his class about me.  He didn't use my name, but many knew who he was speaking of.  If you have faith in what you are saying, why would you need to use deception to manipulate?  Because you are full of fear and insecurity.  Fear and insecurity are choking this world and causing many to lash out in anger because they feel inferior or believe that others believe they are inferior.  
     I have seen amazing healing.  I have seen legs grown out, hearing restored, backs made straight and cancer gone, but the healing I have seen the most and touches me the deepest is hearts healed.  Through forgiveness hearts are made whole.  I have watched people go back to the root of their wounds and forgive and it changes them.  In the process they come to know who they are in Christ.  It's so frustrating to watch healing happen several days of each week in believers and non believers and then watch Jezebel and Ahab spirits rule a group of people and turn them away from healing through fear.  It's especially difficult when the Lord says, "Let them go."  It's hard to let anyone go, when you believe they are going the wrong way, but His ways are greater, He knows all and I trust Him to go find the one.  I can only pray His will be done most days, because I don't even know what to ask for to change this world.  I don't believe we are called to sit back and say, well, it's prophesy.  Yeah, but how long could we put it off with prayer?  We can change God's mind.  For just one more?  I think it's worth it.  Very!
     I turned my anger over to God before I went to bed after hearing these lies and He gave me a dream.  I was riding in the back of this woman's car.  I was trying to drink a coffee like everything was okay, while she drove erratically trying to scare me.  She was passing on the right on a narrow country road and driving very fast.  In the dream I finally reached up and grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back so she could see well enough to stop the car, but not well enough to continue driving like she was.  I told her to pull it over.  The next thing I knew I was over her with one hand on her throat and the other ready to punch her as she lay there grinning at me.  That's when I remembered, our fight is not against flesh.  This team is being controlled by the enemy.  He is trying to scare me and I just about fell for it. But instead I pray for exposure of lies and exposure of truth.  It seems to be the theme of intercessors lately and it's working, we see lies being exposed all over the place.  It is all over the news.  I believe it will get crazier in this country, but not like most of us think.  I believe a shaking is coming.  The wolves who are accusing others will be exposed in government and in the Church.  The Lord showed me that many of those who have been in the Church for many years and have always been tried trusted and true will fall away, they are falling away from the leading of the Holy Spirit, if they ever truly followed.  It is through these who have been trusted for many years that the enemy will lead many away.  The falling away will be so gradual that those who follow them won't see the change.  We can't stop checking.  We always have to be open to the Lord showing us the changes in people.  That one who has led you many years on a journey toward Christ and kept you from sliding off the road, just might be leading you right over a cliff.  Test the spirits.  The Lord will tell you if you are headed toward danger, but you have to be willing to hear Him.
     Our soul will be our downfall.  The soul, mind will and emotions, will tell us, "I really like this guy, his messages are great, he cries when he talks about Jesus."  The pastors and prophets will pay a high price for leading sheep astray.  I believe those with the gift of discernment or who claim to have it, will pay a high price also.  If Jezebel's position is threatened by anyone all she has to do is tell Ahab there is a demon on that person and Ahab, with the power of a king, in his kingdom, will have that person killed, even if it's by slander.  Ahab thinks Jezebel is protecting him, and in a sense she is, but more important to her, she is truly the one in control.  Ahab is a puppet with power. 
     Yeah, I am a Jesus freak and many are preaching that God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit is not weird.  Have they read the Bible?  He spun Ezekiel around in  the air before the elders.  Yes, the Holy One is weird, by world standards, thanks to Satan for setting those standards.  He has made the normal weird.  For some reason, we now think pounding a stick on a rock for water is weird, being naked in town even if you are a king or prophet is somehow weird now, walking around a wall and having it fall?  Who is your God?  Translating, speaking in tongues and riding off into the sky in your chariot is now too strange to be true?  How about running supernaturally fast?  We would assume drugs, wouldn't we?  When people walk around town naked now we lock them up.  If it is not the norm, we call it satanic, but was it not God who told Isaiah to parade around for three years in his birthday suit?  This is my question to the Church, How badly do you want to see others in heaven?  If God told you that He would save a city of millions if you would walk the streets naked for three years would you do it?  What if He asked you to walk across the country and the enemy's prisoners would be set free, would you do it?  What if He asked you to stop speaking, not one word for a year and 1000 people would be set free from the enemy's grasp, then what?  How many of us would convince ourselves that was not God.  He wouldn't ask something so weird.  Sometimes what He asks us to do is only about us and our faith and obedience.  We have normalized God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit right into a box.

If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17
This isn’t talking about your body. If you were a man before you accepted Christ, you were still a man afterwards. Your body didn’t change. And your soul, which is what the Bible calls the mental-emotional part of you, didn’t automatically change either. It’s subject to change, but you have to renew your mind to experience change in your mind and emotions.
But in the spirit, you became a brand-new species of being. Your spirit is totally new. There isn’t an old sin nature left in you.
I know this comes as a complete shock to many of you who have been indoctrinated in the-old-nature-versus-the-new-nature theology. Most Christians have been taught to believe that after salvation, they are still the same at their core, and they live the rest of their lives trying to restrain this old nature. They believe they have two natures. That’s schizophrenic, and it produces Christians who are nothing like Christ. - Andrew Wommack