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Saturday, November 17, 2012

One Heart, One Mouth

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement
give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow
Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may
glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Anonymous, Holy Bible: King James Version

     I found myself in a very strange situation. It wasn't the first time, in fact it is becoming a regular occurrence.  I was standing amongst a group of women and we were praying for each other.  Our focus would move from one to the next as God led us.  Each personality contributed in a different way.  The Holy Spirit's presence not only filled each one of us, but the whole house we were in.  We had gathered that day to hear a confession of sorts and as each truth was told, truths spilled out of everyone present.
     As I looked around the room I knew each personality had been hand picked by God Himself to be placed with perfect timing in my life.  Each teaching me different things and exposing different truths to me about myself.  We came together as sisters in Christ wanting more out of our individual walks and finding it by walking together.
     As we were praying over one of the ladies, a friends young daughter joined us.  I believe she is about nine years old.  This little girl has such an innocence about here and she laid her hand on each woman and prayed with a boldness I so wished I had myself, let alone my children.  Every time I would hear her sweet voice praying to God something happened inside me, the Lord would flash pictures in front of me of myself at about the same age.  The pictures were faded and I could barely make out it was me.  I would immediately feel a lump form in my throat and have to fight back tears.  Finally, I couldn't fight it any longer.  I moved to the side and sat down, still fighting tears.  Two women began to pray over me and looking back I see it was planned by God as He knows me, better than I know myself.  
     One woman was telling me how much God loves me, which made it impossible to stop the tears.  While the other woman, Connie put her hands on my back.  There was something about her hands.  There was something about this woman.  There was a comfort that drew me to her.  A part of me, that little girl,  wanted so badly to turn around and just fall into her arms, but there was the part of me who has been in charge for most my life who listens to the enemy, who said, "You will freak her out."  She was just praying over me, that's all.  I had been drawn to her from the moment we met, but who said I was anyone to her?  The enemy worked me over.  "Knock it off.  You are stealing the attention and it does not belong to you.  You are being selfish.  This is not about you."  Then they both began to sing.  I didn't know the song, but I felt it in my heart.  I wanted them to sing forever.  Music is a way God soothes me and I knew it was from Him.  
     Dave has told me for the last year that one day he hopes I could let somebody hold me while I let it all out.  This is so foreign to me that I would laugh when he said it, but now here was this part of me wanting something I didn't know how to take.  I eventually pulled myself together the best I could and tried to paint on an "I'm fine" face.  But I knew if my eyes met Connie's I would not last.  I fought it and avoided eye contact until I had it shoved down to a place where I thought I could act normal until I left.  I even felt in control enough that I would be able to hug her "goodbye", but she had gone before I had a chance.  
     I went to pick up my grandson and several times over the next hour or so struggled to fight back the tears.  What was happening to me?  I don't even know who I am anymore.  I knew God was up to something.  When I got home I had to send her a message, telling her she was special to me.  I told her about the little girls voice and the pictures God was showing me.  Her response blew me away.  I had to read it a couple times.  She had realized I was avoiding eye contact and felt she had done something wrong and/or freaked me out.  The enemy had turned it around and made somebody who is special to me beyond explanation feel the total opposite.  I was instantly angry at the enemy for using me to hurt someone I care about.  The only thing that could possibly take me out of that angry place was her next words.  "I wanted to hug you & hold you like you were a little girl, but was afraid. I look at you & just stinking LOVE you."  No more holding back tears for me.  I was a mess.  
     God has been showing me amazing blessings for all when we obey.  Many times He has told me to say things to people and my fear is that they we will think I am weird.  I have realized how many times the enemy wins when we don't tell people how we feel.  I told God, "There's something about Connie God and You know it.  She is special to me."  and God told me, "Tell her."  Thank Him I did.  The enemy could have destroyed a friendship that day with the lies he was whispering to both of us, but God didn't let that happen.
     Who knows what God has planned for this friendship.  We have some bonds others can't possibly understand.  But I find security in knowing we exposed the enemy's lies.  More importantly, we were handpicked and planted by God in the same garden, His garden to grow.

I think it would be a good thing to share! Go for can use my name too, I have absolutely no problem with it. In fact I wish you would...slap the truth out there! - My friend, Connie

An Open Heart Heals

“There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt.”
Erma Bombeck

     When your body is covered with open wounds, becoming a healthy person seems so far to go.  I've heard the term "Healthy People" so many times in the last months I could puke.  Healthy seemed so far away to me that I had to ask myself if it was worth the journey.  What I have come to realize is that "Healthy People" are not necessarily completely healed, but it's how they handle the wounds that makes them healthy. 
     The first thing we do upon arriving at a hospital is tell them where it hurts.  Confessing the pain is always the first step.  Whether the pain was inflicted on you by another or yourself acknowledgement of the wound has to happen before it can be addressed.  We wouldn't  walk into a hospital and say, "I'm fine" and hide the gash on our arm.  Shoot, the blood leaking through our shirt sleeve would give it away.  You can't hide a wound forever, it will fester.  
     We would think someone had real issues if they sat and picked at an open wound or spent 30 years pointing a finger at the person who cut them, screaming, "It was him.  It was him who hurt me."  So many people do this with wounds of the heart.  Instead of cleaning it out or setting what is broken, they point fingers, try to hide, or deny the wound exists.  Another thing is to focus on other peoples wounds.  "He has been walking around bleeding like a stuck pig for years."  Ignoring the blood dripping from their own arm.  This is the work of the enemy.  He wants us to keep our wounds hidden to fester.  He convinces us that speaking out will destroy us.  
     In the last three weeks since I first told my story I have heard confessions of some very deep wounds inflicted by others and self inflicted.  I have heard people share very dark thoughts and fears.  I myself just recently shared what I consider to be my darkest secret.  The Lord  has told me clearly that these are desperate times and they call for desperate measures.  He has informed me that His plan for me consists of exposing truths that most skim over if they address them at all.  There is a lot of fear in exposing the dark secrets of our minds.  Why are we so arrogant as to think that we are different.  Why do we believe that we are the only ones who suffer from certain pains and horrors?  There are too many people on this planet to think that any individual has experienced something no one else has.  Since I shared my secret I have been almost embarrassed to think that I felt unique or different.
     The enemy only has so many tricks up his sleeve.  He attacks us all with a limited number of weapons.  So there are only so many wounds we can suffer from.  God is abundant and the devil is on a budget.  (Graham Cooke)  There is power in sharing a common hurt.  Just listen to a group of alcoholics once, they all share one basic story.  They love alcohol, they drank too much, they lost things that meant the world to them.  The difference is, some are recovering and some are not.  
     Denial is our biggest enemy.  Secrecy is second.  When a secret is shared, the only person who will judge is the one who thinks they are completely healthy, completely have it together.  We are not complete until our Father we meet.

“I suppose that since most of our hurts come through relationships so will our healing, and I know that grace rarely makes sense for those looking in from the outside.” 
W. Paul Young, The Shack

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


“The fire of God refuses to burn in the ashes of our past.” – SERGIO SCATAGLINI

     So many people just go through life.  They have ups they have downs and they blame it on the enemy, but this isn't anything like sibling rivalry, this is WAR!  This is spiritual war and if you aren't feeling attacked then you might want to take another look at what you are doing for Christ.  If life is just okay, then your relationship with God probably is not.
     People either don't realize this war is real, they refuse to acknowledge it, or they are comfortable with their demons.  When you say it's too difficult to change, you have surrendered to the enemy.  God told me, "You can worship Me from under your bed for the rest of your life and you will go to heaven, but you won't take anyone with you."  That's not good enough for me. There is no reason to fear the enemy, because the battle has already been won.  I have found a book that I believe every believer who wants to know the truth about spiritual warfare should read.  In this book is a section called "The Child is a Warrior"  This puts into perspective how much the enemy hates children.  Get this book.

The Child is a Warrior

Islamic terrorists are training children in battle techniques and teaching them to fight for their cause.  Homosexuals and pornographers have created elaborate strategies to capture the hearts of our children.  But for some reason, it has not occurred to most Christians that children do not receive a junior Holy Spirit.  The full arsenal of the weapons of our warfare are available to kids of all ages.  King Solomon wrote, "Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.  Like arrows in the hand of the warrior so are the children of one's youth." (Psalm 127:3-4, emphasis added) Children were born to be arrows in the hands of warriors.  They pierce deep into the darkness as they impact the hearts of our enemies.
     Christian schools have often become comfortable sanctuaries where children are sheltered from the devices of the devil, instead of becoming Holy Spirit terrorist training centers that sharpen these arrows for the destruction of evil forces.  It is time that we give our children more than a Happy Meal.  We need to teach them how to deal with the destructive forces of evil from the time they are little.  Kingdom combat training should be part of every homeschooler's life, every Christian school's curriculum and every parent's instruction.
     It should be obvious to all of us that evil spirits are not selective with their destructive devices.  For some reason Christians seem surprised when little children come under extreme assaults.  Satan hates children today maybe even more than he has in any other generation.  When Noses was a baby, the devil wiped out an entire generation of kids in a ruthless attempt to destroy him.  When Jesus was a baby, the devil did it again.  And now, the greatest holocaust in human history is taking place in the womb of women as thousands of helpless children are aborted every single day.

     The next section tells of a two year old who played with angels.  It was determined early on that she was really seeing them.  But when she was about four years old, she woke under attack by demons.  They taught her right away to command the demons to go outside.  The second night she was attacked, they found her in her room standing on her bed shouting at the demons to go outside.  She was never afraid of demons again and was rarely assaulted after that. Kris Vallotton who wrote the book "Spirit Wars: Winning the invisible Battle Against Sin and the Enemy" says, "I am convinced that demons are more afraid of children than they are of adults.  There is something about childlike faith and innocence that God protects in an extraordinary way"  I have to agree with him.  So if a four year old little girl can stand on her bed, in the dark and command Satan's demons to leave her house with confidence, why are so many adults afraid to acknowledge their presence.  Makes me a little red faced about my comfort zone.

“If you don’t need courage to fullfill what you are called to do and you don’t face opposition you might be off the track.” – Bill Johnson

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Who am I? God's Child!

“It doesn't matter if a million people tell you what you can't do, or if ten million tell you no. If you get one yes from God that's all you need.”
Tyler Perry

     Who am I?  I don't even know anymore.  There is a transition period when God begins a work in us, when we totally surrender every part of our lives to Him.  I don't belong where I was, but I'm beginning to fit in where I never thought I would.  We build protective walls to keep the bad out, but it also keeps the good in us locked inside.  There was a fear of reaching out.  What if nobody likes me?  What if I fail?
     This morning, I have a whole new respect for Dave.  He was so transparent about his life, his failures, that I felt I could reach out to him.  As I'm trying desperately to finish my story, to put into words what has happened to me this last year and a half, I am going back through thousands of emails between Dave and me.  It's emotional to go back there.  It's difficult to see how messed up, angry, scared, and tormented I truly was.  But Dave hung in there.  It had to be difficult at times, when I was verbally abusive, when I flip flopped on what I was willing to do and when I begged him to help me and he didn't know what to do.  The demons weren't letting go very easily, but he wouldn't let go either, with the grace of God.  I see most clearly now why God chose him for such a difficult task.  I find myself often repeating his words to hurting people.  There was a sermon he gave a week before I first contacted him on how we are to love each other.  Looking back, he practiced ever single word he preached.

Here is the link if you would like to watch it. It is titled "Relationships, Part 4: Love is the Greatest"

     I believe it is very important to show up, if God has instructed you to.  I also believe it is important to step back if God has chosen someone else for the task.  God gave Dave the strength, the wisdom, the words to say to me, and blessings for obeying.  I was so angry and at times he got angry along with me.  But there were times when I directed my anger at him after he would expose a truth I needed to face.  I attacked with words like, "Do you feel better now?"  He changed me and cracked me up with the same response every time, "No, I feel the same".  I wanted him to rage back at me for an excuse to walk away, but he stayed stable or at least that's what he allowed me to see.
     In the beginning God told me that Dave and I would tell my story like he and Grant told his.  There was some uneasiness, because I knew our friendship would change once my story was told.  God promised we would be friends forever.  He has given me the responsibility of praying for Dave and his family which I consider a privilege, a gift.  But our relationship has changed.  He is still a teacher, but in a different way.  God has said to me, "I have put a teacher before you.  He teaches many and travels all over the world.  I want you to keep learning from Him because it will be of great value to what I have for you.  Support him in the tasks I have given him."  
     God has put many teachers in front of me.  I learn different things from each of them.  I have no idea what God has planned for me, but I know right now He wants me to finish writing my story.  There is fear in finishing it, because I don't know what's next.  But at the same time, I can't wait to find out.  As I read through all the emails I see several times when Dave promised what my future would be like if I just kept seeking God's face.  Now, he gets to say, "I told you so." with that big brother smirk of his.  Don't tell him, but I am glad he was right.

Hard days are part of this journey. If it was easy everyone would be doing it. - Dave Browning

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Above ALL!!

“The safest place in the kingdom is the front lines of the battle!” – Bill Johnson

     The last few days God has been placing people in front of me that break my heart.  Unbelievers who adamantly deny Christ.  Adamantly is an interesting word, by the way.  First I see the name Adam and second, the definition includes "A stone once believed to be impenetrable in its hardness."   Maybe that was just for me.
     I have talked to people who laugh at the thought of a God.  I have talked to people who "Aren't that into Him".  I have also talked to believers who compromise, believing we have a "softy" God.  Every compromise is an open door to the enemy.  I heard once that a stiff branch is easier to break than a flexible branch.  Makes sense.  
     I have been incredibly tired and sad the last couple days, feeling alone and actually wanting to isolate.  There are so many people who don't even see what the enemy is doing in their lives.  How can you fight an enemy you don't acknowledge?
     This morning, God gave me a song to listen to.  As I sat on the deck with my coffee and my ear buds blasting the song in my ear, it became clear what He is wanting me to see lately.  To be more like Him, we have to know Him.  Knowing Him is all about love, but love isn't always warm and fuzzy.  We have to know the rejection He felt as He made the ultimate sacrifice.  As He dragged the cross, knowing what lie ahead, with people spitting on Him, the pain in His heart over the people who did not believe had to be worse than the physical pain He was suffering.  Lately He is exposing me to that rejection on a much smaller level, because as a human I know I could not survive what He did and felt.
     The amazing thing to me was toward the end of the song.  He opened my eyes a little further to the incredible love He has for each of us.  Not only that, but the love that I am feeling for people I don't even know.  We have to receive before we can give it away.  We received forgiveness from Him, in order that we forgive others.  We receive mercy to give it.  We are showered in Grace to give grace.  You cannot give away, what you do not have.  Accept the gifts, but don't hoard them or they will dry up.  Give them away.  Sometimes people cannot receive what God has to offer because it is too big.  They can't accept it.  They can start out accepting it in small doses from believers, until they are ready for the ultimate gifts from God.

“The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross determined the value of the people he purchased!” – Kris Vallotton

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


“God expects you to have the mentality of a conqueror. See yourself as a victor in Christ Jesus, and go about life with a holy swagger!”
Pedro Okoro, Crushing the Devil: Your Guide to Spiritual Warfare and Victory in Christ

     Holy Swagger.  Over the last year I have felt like I was driving a bus unable to travel less than 50 mph or it would blow up.  Since I told my story, the bus has doubled it's speed and I have no control. It feels great.  That was the problem, I wasn't allowing God to drive when things got a little scary.  Those were the times He most definitely should have been behind the wheel.
     In the last 10 days I have heard more stories of pain and healing than I ever dreamed.  I'm seeing people in the places I was in the last year and people being set free.  I have seen people healed physically and was even blessed to take part.  There is something amazing when you feel the power of God run through you and restore a person's hearing.  I had no idea God was straightening out my life so He could mess me up so good.  I am amazed by His love and His power.  But I have to admit, it's the emotional healing I love the most.  To hear people talk of their painful pasts and how God loved them into wholeness.  I have new friendships that blow me away and a new love for friends I have had for years.  I have a willingness to risk being hurt and that's just weird.  I don't even know who I am, or should I say, I finally know who I am, but I don't recognize me.

     The thing God has been talking to me about the last couple days, I haven't quite figured out yet.   Maybe I am trying to make it too complicated.  Writing it out usually brings it in to focus.  I had written a few days ago about a demon being attached to a child when they are molested.  This demon's role is to attract people to the victim.  This can happen into adulthood.  The victim becomes familiar and comfortable even needing the attention and continues abusing themselves and destroying others.  It makes sense to me.  Perfect sense.
     I was reminded of something this morning.  How many times as believers do we see it in others.  There is something in their eyes.  For instance we meet someone and chat with them and we wonder to ourselves if they are a believer.  We can almost be sure of it.  We aren't all that surprised when we find out they are.  It happens to me all the time.  Several times this last year it has been revealed that people I have met or even known for awhile are fellow believers.  I think that's Jesus in their eyes.
     So what about the person who says they are a believer and does things believers do, but something leaves us a little unsettled about them?  There is someone like this in my life.  This person is very critical and negative, yet always correcting other believers for being the same way.  This person talks down to people, unless it is someone in authority then this person scrambles to serve them.  I battled with this for a long time.  I finally asked God straight out, what is going on?  He revealed a demon attached to this person.  This was a process, because I really didn't want to believe it.  Who wants to believe a Christian can have a demon attached to them?  But I did.  
     So what about that really good person who wants nothing to do with God?  The ones who you pray for all the time because they are good people and we want them with us for eternity?  We get no bad gut feeling around them, even though they are not believers.

     What does this all mean?  I believe this is discernment we are born with.  I believe God gives us the gift of discernment from birth and our life traumas and orchestrated events by the enemy can distort our ability to "read people".  How many times have we seen babies afraid of someone for no obvious reason?  It may just be a beard or something that scares them, but other times it is obvious they are seeing something we are not.  How many times have we heard an adult say, "I really thought she/he was a good person"?  I guess what this all comes down to is the enemy's lies.  We think we know, but we all need to pray for more discernment.  Sometimes good people are fighting off bad spirits and some times bad people are imitating good.  In the days ahead the trickery and the lies from the enemy are only going to increase.  There is desperation in his attempts to fool us, because he knows his days are numbered and he knows the truth of the Bible.  He knows how this ends and he is not going to give up until the last moment.  God is the only one who can help us with discerning spirits, whether it is the spirit of a person or an angel, good or evil.  Just remember, 1/3 of the angels fell with Satan.  That means we have 2/3 on our side.  That's 2 to every one.  Also we have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit on our side.  With odds like that I understand why Christ laughs in the face of His enemy.  We should too.  When the enemy tries to tempt you, laugh.  You can fake it at first and it will come to you.  Just imagine the battlefield and how pathetic he looks.  See, God created the angels, so why would the enemy be stronger than Him?  It reminds me of a small child in a Halloween mask growling in a little squeaky voice trying to scare an adult.  One big "Boo" and the child runs off in tears.  Even if he believes the mask is scary, he knows what's behind it.  He knows how small he is.

“There is nothing more important than your eternal salvation.”
Kirk Cameron

Saturday, November 3, 2012

God in a box? Ha!

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
C.S. Lewis

     We hear it all the time that the truth will set us free and it does, but it has to be God's truth.  It has become clear to me that I am being prepared these days for a spiritual battle.  A warrior does not fight without the proper training.  The enemy is Satan and I have been trained to see how he fights against me.  His demons can be tricky when they imitate my fellow soldiers.  But I have now been trained to see there are even those who claim to be my fellow soldiers though they allow the enemy to guide their step.  The truth they so desperately believe I need to see is their truth, truth that will benefit them instead of bring Glory to God.  I thank Him for surrounding me at this time with strong believers.
     I am being trained by an excellent marksman to throw my spear or should I say pen with absolute accuracy.  My words need to be placed with precision to take back ground long ago taken by the enemy.  God's truth is the ultimate weapon.

     It was approximately one year ago that I began writing my story.  When I had finished writing about the abuse I went through, I stopped writing.  I continued to learn by reading, watching videos and corresponding with Dave, but the pen was too heavy to pick up again.  Then one day in conversation with God, He said to me, "You have written of the days when the enemy ruled your life, the time has come to write about the battle between my good and his evil.  Eventually you will write the happy ending when you find victory in Me."  I began to write again.  The battle was just as painful to write about as I had to face my mistakes, my bad choices.  But I could clearly see the battle like I had not seen it before.  I would take a step forward and the enemy would knock me down.  Jesus would pick me up, dust me off, straighten my breastplate of righteousness and send me back out.  But I did not see it that way until I wrote about it.
     Now we have come to the place where I write about God's Glory.  My victory in Him is the most important part of my story.  I have to write it with truth and accuracy.  He is showing me that this is not even my story.  It is His.  
     Since I told my story publicly I have been in complete awe of what He is doing.  The men and women stepping out of the darkness and saying "I need help" is overwhelming.  I don't know who they are and I don't know all their stories, but my fellow soldiers keep hollering out, "Got one... Hey, another one over here...Somebody is reaching out right now... Got to go, broken lady calling."   Every time I hear of another one I grow stronger.  Thank you, God.
     The other day a woman reached out to me and shared a little of her battle.  I got angry at the attack she was under from the enemy and soon found my self enraged at his tactics.  Then I realized I was focusing on the enemy instead of what Christ is doing.  Once I did that He showed up in a big way.  
     There is a song I'm not even sure can be classified as a believer's song, but it has a very heavy beat and I love to listen to it and picture thousands of angels marching into battle.  With the beat they pound their staffs to the ground and the sound alone scares off enemy demons.  I sat out on my second story deck and put in my ear buds to hear the song even clearer as I pictured the angels in my mind.  Shortly after the song began, I saw a cloud, a perfectly shaped cloud in my front yard at about power line level.  I was sure my eyes were playing tricks on me.  I laughed as I tried to adjust my eyes, but the more I tried the more I felt God's presence and He was laughing at my disbelief.  He loves to show up big in our lives and bless us beyond belief.  Just like any daddy on Christmas morning when his son opens the gift he never believed he would receive I felt Him stand back and watch me with a smile on His face.  As I finally decided I was losing my mind, the song came to an end and the cloud evaporated.  That's when I knew it was Him.  
     I began searching online for the meaning.  What is the symbolism of a cloud?  Nothing I read stood out to me.  Repeatedly I came across Job 26:9.  He covers the face of the full moon, spreading his clouds over it. This was not what happened, so I kept searching.  I finally gave up, accepting the fact that God just wanted to show up big.  Later I went back outside and was overwhelmed by the beauty of the moon.  It was big and bright.  Then I noticed a large dark cloud racing across the sky like clouds sometimes do and I laughed.  I knew it was going to pass in front of the moon and I felt like God was saying "Watch this"  We have too much fun.  He loves to blow our minds, but I realized that even bigger when the cloud stopped right in front of the moon.  I froze.  I couldn't even sort my thoughts.  Was I really seeing this?  The moon was shining around the border of the cloud and resembled a silver lining cloud like I had seen once as a teenager.  I sat for several minutes staring at it, not sure what to think.  I decided it was between me and God and too much for anyone else to believe so I would not share my experience.  I went to bed asking God why He chose me to see this.  What was I supposed to do with it? 
     The next morning before I was fully awake, God started speaking to my heart.  Already knowing that He has asked me to speak out about abuse beyond the norm, that I am to speak in more detail than people are used to hearing.  The devil is in the details and he needs to be exposed.  He explained to me that for years when I spoke of the abuse I stopped after the first couple incidents, because I felt, "Who would believe it?  Who would believe that so many bad things can happen to one person."  He said to me that morning, "As much as you believed I wasn't with you for so many years, I am going to show you I am here.  I chose you to speak beyond what people are comfortable with.  I chose you because you will speak out about the depths of abuse and the enemy's tactics and you will speak out about the depths of my love for my people."  I walked around in a "cloud" all day.  Why me?  I'm not worthy.  His reply, "You are chosen."
     I began to see how God has placed specific people in my life to help me understand the importance of not only speaking out, but speaking the truth, all of the truth with accuracy and focus on Him, all of Him.  He is a HUGE God and we cannot put Him in a box so that we are comfortable with who we believe He is.  Instead of being frightened by how big and good He is, we should be overwhelmed by His love for us and by His desire for us to come to Him in complete surrender, letting go of our human beliefs and know that He is supernaturally HUGE and in deep compassionate LOVE with us.  The Love and acceptance we all crave deep down in that secret place in our heart that we are even afraid to admit we want, is available and all we have to do is receive it.  I believe God is about to BUST His way out of the box so many of us have put Him in.  He is about to show us how big He truly is and the enemy is stepping up the intensity of the battle hoping to take us down before the true shining Glory of God totally blows us away!!
“The sin underneath all our sins is to trust the lie of the serpent that we cannot trust the love and grace of Christ and must take matters into our own hands”
Martin Luther