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Tuesday, November 13, 2012


“The fire of God refuses to burn in the ashes of our past.” – SERGIO SCATAGLINI

     So many people just go through life.  They have ups they have downs and they blame it on the enemy, but this isn't anything like sibling rivalry, this is WAR!  This is spiritual war and if you aren't feeling attacked then you might want to take another look at what you are doing for Christ.  If life is just okay, then your relationship with God probably is not.
     People either don't realize this war is real, they refuse to acknowledge it, or they are comfortable with their demons.  When you say it's too difficult to change, you have surrendered to the enemy.  God told me, "You can worship Me from under your bed for the rest of your life and you will go to heaven, but you won't take anyone with you."  That's not good enough for me. There is no reason to fear the enemy, because the battle has already been won.  I have found a book that I believe every believer who wants to know the truth about spiritual warfare should read.  In this book is a section called "The Child is a Warrior"  This puts into perspective how much the enemy hates children.  Get this book.

The Child is a Warrior

Islamic terrorists are training children in battle techniques and teaching them to fight for their cause.  Homosexuals and pornographers have created elaborate strategies to capture the hearts of our children.  But for some reason, it has not occurred to most Christians that children do not receive a junior Holy Spirit.  The full arsenal of the weapons of our warfare are available to kids of all ages.  King Solomon wrote, "Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.  Like arrows in the hand of the warrior so are the children of one's youth." (Psalm 127:3-4, emphasis added) Children were born to be arrows in the hands of warriors.  They pierce deep into the darkness as they impact the hearts of our enemies.
     Christian schools have often become comfortable sanctuaries where children are sheltered from the devices of the devil, instead of becoming Holy Spirit terrorist training centers that sharpen these arrows for the destruction of evil forces.  It is time that we give our children more than a Happy Meal.  We need to teach them how to deal with the destructive forces of evil from the time they are little.  Kingdom combat training should be part of every homeschooler's life, every Christian school's curriculum and every parent's instruction.
     It should be obvious to all of us that evil spirits are not selective with their destructive devices.  For some reason Christians seem surprised when little children come under extreme assaults.  Satan hates children today maybe even more than he has in any other generation.  When Noses was a baby, the devil wiped out an entire generation of kids in a ruthless attempt to destroy him.  When Jesus was a baby, the devil did it again.  And now, the greatest holocaust in human history is taking place in the womb of women as thousands of helpless children are aborted every single day.

     The next section tells of a two year old who played with angels.  It was determined early on that she was really seeing them.  But when she was about four years old, she woke under attack by demons.  They taught her right away to command the demons to go outside.  The second night she was attacked, they found her in her room standing on her bed shouting at the demons to go outside.  She was never afraid of demons again and was rarely assaulted after that. Kris Vallotton who wrote the book "Spirit Wars: Winning the invisible Battle Against Sin and the Enemy" says, "I am convinced that demons are more afraid of children than they are of adults.  There is something about childlike faith and innocence that God protects in an extraordinary way"  I have to agree with him.  So if a four year old little girl can stand on her bed, in the dark and command Satan's demons to leave her house with confidence, why are so many adults afraid to acknowledge their presence.  Makes me a little red faced about my comfort zone.

“If you don’t need courage to fullfill what you are called to do and you don’t face opposition you might be off the track.” – Bill Johnson

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