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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Learning to Fly!

“If Christians around the world were to suddenly renounce their personal agendas, their life goals and their aspirations, and begin responding in radical obedience to everything God showed them. the world would be turned upside down. How do we know? Because that's what first century Christians did, and the world is still talking about it.”
Henry T. Blackaby, Spiritual Leadership: Moving People on to God's Agenda

     He sent a comforter and He would not have to do that if His plan was for us to be comfortable in our lives.  I have all but begged God for a job in the last months and months and months.  My resume is pretty good, but nothing, not one interview, absolutely nothing.  Then one day as I walked around the house I rent, with a handy man sent by the landlord, I heard the Lord whisper, "It's time to go."  Later He would tell me if He had given me a job, I would never leave this place where I feel safe.  I would never even ask Him if this is where He wants me, because this is where I want to be - safe.  Then He tells me to let everything go. I have given everything away.  Basically all I have is my clothes and my car. 
     If you think you trust God, wait until He has you give everything away.  He has plans for me this summer and I am excited about those plans and at the same time, I am scared.  The world says I should have a job.  My flesh says I should probably have two jobs.  God already has 4 major events planned for ministry this summer and He is providing for me.  Every time I get nervous He shows up in a big way.  Step out in faith and I will take care of you. 
     Leaving this house where I found Jesus is very difficult.  I have memories here of demonic attack that were terrifying, but I have more memories of God showing up.  There has been so much healing here.  It's easier to give my things away than it is to walk out the door of this house. 
     I sound like one of those Jesus freaks we have all been warned about.  I think I am one.  If the definition of a Jesus freak is someone who totally believes and trusts in Him and is willing to obey and follow, well... then I guess I am a Jesus freak.  In the last few years God has shown me where He was each year of my life.  He has shown me how He protected me before I even really knew Him.  He has shown me the value in the lessons, the reasons for the pain and glimpses of the plan He has for me.  There is a freedom and a peace that comes with knowing I am walking in His will.  There is no safer place to be.  There will be people who think I have lost it.  But I have a cross to carry and if I pick it up and walk the path He has chosen, He helps me carry it.  I am excited to share what he does in my life as I let go of the control I pretended to have and allow Him to take it all. 

"Nowhere near the driver's seat, and I love this journey God's got me on!”
Dolls Bowman

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