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Friday, August 8, 2014

Shame off you!!

“My case is urgent, and I do not see how I am to be delivered; but this is no business of mine. He who makes the promise will find ways and means of keeping it. It is mine to obey His commands; it is not mine to direct His counsels.”
― C.H. Spurgeon

      It is so important that people know there is no shame in being oppressed by a spirit. A true believer in Christ cannot be possessed but anyone of us can be oppressed.  Many people fight a battle and lose repeatedly.  For example addiction.  You try and try to put it down, but you relapse over and over.  Many churches preach forgiveness and grace and accountability, but they don't want to talk about demonic spirits.  But many times if you have tried repeatedly and given in, there is a spirit influencing you that needs to go, before you can be released.  I thank God the pastor I went to did not put shame on me.  In fact he stressed that this happens to many people and immediately pulled a team together to come to my house and help me.  Of course the shame was huge and I fought having them to my house for months, but what relief I found when they finally came and walked me through it.  They cleaned my house of tormenting spirits and prayed a few off me too. 
     Once I understood how they got into my life it freed me from the shame.  It is as simple as an unwanted pregnancy.  Maybe it's for financial reasons or being unmarried, but the moment a pregnant woman says anything about not wanting to be pregnant a door is opened to the demonic spirit of rejection.  We are living in the world and the enemy is the ruler of this world.  There are doors all around us that  can be opened to many demonic strongholds.  But there is a huge door above us we can open to the heavens, so Jesus may enter into our lives. 
     For example if a child is molested many doors are opened to the enemy.  This is why it is such a powerful tool for him to use.  Once it has happened many doors to many spirits are open.  The spirit of manipulation, trauma, deception, perversion, possibly even rape and many more spirits are granted access through the authority they have been given on earth.  How can we make a person feel ashamed of a spirit influencing them when they may have still been in the womb when the door was opened.
     I used to drive down the road and have thoughts I believed were mine, and it took months before I realized the voice I heard did not belong to me.  A demonic spirit was constantly trying to convince me that driving into a tree or off a cliff would solve all my problems and the war I felt I had been fighting every day of my life would be won.  What I didn't realize was the war was real, but it was spiritual and it was the enemy who would have won, not me. 
     I had the authority as a child of God to tell that spirit to go in the name of Jesus.  It took three friends and my willingness to finally make it go.  It was one of the more difficult to be rid of, but it is gone.
     Not all churches deal with this, but there are people out there who do.  Many cities have healing rooms filled with people who pray for the sick, the tormented and anyone else who needs emotional, spiritual, or physical healing.  To walk in there and say, "I think I am being tormented by spirits" could change your life.  The enemy will whisper in your ear that it is not him, it's you, but that should be your first clue.  Truth sets us free and this is part of finding that truth.

“Go out and heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and preach the kingdom. But do it for only one reason. Your motive should be an overwhelming love and compassion for those in need. There is no other legitimate motive for healing.”
Praying Medic, Divine Healing Made Simple

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