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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Enemy

“the reason why Christians do not make use of their entitlement in Christ Jesus is ignorance, or as the Bible puts it beautifully, 'lack of knowledge'!”
Pedro Okoro, Crushing the Devil: Your Guide to Spiritual Warfare and Victory in Christ 

     I don't believe we are supposed to love our enemies.  I think instead we need to realize who our true enemy is.  We need to love the people our enemy influences against us.  Like in a chess game, we are the lighter pieces being used by God, while the dark pieces are being influenced by the enemy.  The war is not ours.  All we are required to do is follow God's lead.  If He instructs us to move two spaces forward, we move.  We all have different roles and we all move differently.     
     The best way to win a war or a game is to know your opponent.  I truly believe this.  I think the enemy scares people from learning about him.  We like to hide our heads under the blanket and act like he doesn't exist.  While we are hiding, he is taking over.  Seriously, it's like being afraid of a clown.  Wash the make-up off his face and he's just a jolly old fat guy who eats too many doughnuts.  Not that the devil is a jolly old fat guy, but he is not as scary as we tend to believe.  We have authority.  It varies because of the different bibles, but it is said approximately 365 times, "fear not", so I take that as one time for each day of the year.  
     It sounds creepy and I have to admit, studying the enemy seems a little backwards.  I can only do it for so long and then I have to focus on the love of Jesus to shake off the feelings that come with knowing the enemy.  He is powerless, unless we hand him the power, by lack of knowledge or hiding under our blankets.  It's like leaving a two year old alone in a house.  They can do a  lot of damage if ignored, yet we have full authority over our children and need to prevent them from running wild.

     Here is a little information for you, but I won't mention the "Twilight" series.  Ha.

The name Dracula was the patronym (Drăculea) of the descendants of Vlad II of Wallachia, who took the name "Dracul" after being invested in the Order of the Dragon in 1431. In the Romanian language, the word dracul (Romanian drac "dragon" + -ul "the") can mean either "the dragon" or, especially in the present day, "the devil".[8]

Throughout the years, I have met many people who believe they are vampires. We know that the stories of vampires are fiction, but let’s look closer at the overall picture. Consider Dracula, a real man whose name meant “son of the devil.” His story became part of European folklore— about a dead person who rises each night from a coffin, out of the grave. He sucks blood from a person so that he might live. Although this is a legend, countless movies have been made and books have been written on this subject.  Then there are vampire communities all over the world who believe that Judas Iscariot was the first vampire and that vampirism continues through his bloodline. Legend declares that the 30 pieces of silver with which he betrayed Jesus were connected to his chalice before he hung himself from an aspen tree. It is said that his soul still wanders endlessly. Hence, it is claimed that only silver bullets and a stake from an aspen tree can kill a vampire. There have been subcultures that have evolved throughout time, and we can clearly see here the antichrist spirit at work once again through the twisting of the story of Judas. I live in Washington State. In Seattle and the surrounding areas, there are many underground vampire bars where men and women drink blood in a bar atmosphere. Many wear dark, Gothic clothing and have dyed their hair black. Their faces are pale as though they have just awakened from the dead. They not only role play, they truly believe that they are real vampires. And because a vampire is a form of a demon, a person takes on the form of this entity when he or she steps into the role of a vampire. Many of us have heard of the trilogy of movies about the vampire who fights against his own kind. He is different—a half-breed, half human and half vampire. As for these movies, I can say that the accuracy with which the underground blood bars are portrayed is uncanny.    
     This is taken from a book written by Angela Greenig.  How many teens are watching this movie and we think nothing of it?  How many messages are given in this movie that we don't even realize?  How many young adults will now seek out these vampire bars because of their interest in the movie?
     Let's not even talk about the witchcraft in the Harry Potter series.  How many grandparent's have bought these movies for their grand kids and said, "Oh it's just for fun."  Witchcraft is real, there are no good witches, and they are of the enemy.  Anything not of God is against God.  These movies are slamming open doors of curiosity for the enemy to slip through and drag our children off to a place where he can influence their minds.  Now, we can't figure out why our kids aren't happy to follow us to church and love on Jesus.

     One interesting thing I learned as I studied the enemy and his tactics, is the ranking of the angelic armies.  Remember that Satan's army is made up of fallen angels.  God's angels outnumber them 2 to 1.  Both armies have different ranks and types of soldiers.  I'm not going to get into this right now except to expose the highest ranking demonic spirit under Satan.  This makes so much sense it's scary.  The highest ranking spirit under Satan is the spirit of familiarity.  His purpose is to imitate the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is our comforter.  Familiar is comfortable.  Maybe this is why God calls us constantly to step out of our comfort zone and He will comfort us.  It's the enemy that lures us back into the comfort of the familiar.  The times I have grown the most and the fastest are the times I stepped out of my comfort zone.  This subject is uncomfortable, but it is my calling to expose the enemy. 

     I may be freaking out some people, but that's okay with me, because the people I am concerned about and targeting are the ones who are tormented by the demonic.  The war is against us all, but there are some people who are specifically targeted by the enemy and I truly believe it is because he sees something powerful in them.  
     I recently attended training to be a volunteer at a home that is opening to rehabilitate prostituted women.  A few of the statistics made me sick to my stomach.  Most if not all women forced into prostitution were sexually abused as children.  What a powerful weapon of the enemy.  Let me just say here that prostitution is forced.  Society tends to believe that it's a choice, but it is not.  Many women are kidnapped and forced by a pimp while others are forced because they believe there is no other way to feed themselves and/or their children.  Once you have entered this world it is extremely difficult to get out of it.  The judgment by society is a lot of the problem.  It was said in the meeting that once a girl is victimized as a child it is like the words "re-victimize me" are stamped on her forehead.  I see this differently.  I see a "spirit of perversion" attached to that child that attracts predators.  Prostituted women are victims.  
     The enemy attacks our children for a good reason.  Take them out young and the chances of them being victims their whole life is increased.  In my reading I have also learned about "Satanists".  People who worship the enemy are everywhere.  I know for a fact the town I grew up in has it's share.  We think if we ignore them, they will go away.  Or maybe leave us alone.  They are stealing children off the streets and out of front yards to sacrifice.  Sometimes they use their own infants as sacrifices.  They use their own children as baby machines, to birth babies to use for sacrifices.  They steal young girls off the streets to be baby makers for sacrifice.  I know, it makes me cringe too and I'm not telling you half of what I have learned.  One more overwhelming fact before I tone this down a bit: to sacrifice an infant means to cut it's beating heart out of it's chest while it is breathing.  
     The enemy is out there and we cannot ignore him.  We can't continue to go through our daily lives like everything is good.  If our Father asks us to step out of our comfort zone, we have to do it.  He will ask more of some of us than others, but we all have to do our part.  One of the things Jesus has made clear to me is that the longer we stay in our own "past" the less likely we are going to be to step out and do His will and love others.  We stay in the comfort of the familiar instead of the comfort of the Holy Spirit as we move forward and move the Kingdom forward.   
     When I expose the enemy like this, I come under attack.  It just confirms that I am on the right track or he wouldn't care.  He's not stupid, but he is dumb or vice versa?  So, I will stop here and go worship him away.  Be blessed, Jesus loves us.

Another aspect of satanism seldom discussed is the connection between blood and soul and the consequent need for signing ”a pact with the devil” and “letting blood” thereafter. Blood is the most important and powerful weapon known to a Christian. The finished work on the cross of Jesus Christ, who shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins, provides for our wonderful salvation and life. Satanists also declare the blood as an important and powerful weapon; however, as evidenced by a number of gruesome satanic ceremonies, the outcome is death and destruction. - Angela Greenig

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