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Monday, October 29, 2012

Working through Weakness

"What will it take 'til you believe in me, the way that I believe in you?"    Just the Way You Are - Billy Joel

     I don't even know where to start.  This weekend has been absolutely amazing.  I am so drained I can't even fight the tears anymore.  How do you put into words what happened in Burlington this weekend?  Then just now, God said, "Tell them what you really saw."
     For weeks I have been under attack.  The enemy did not want me speaking out.  Why?  Because the Holy Spirit was about to speak through my mouth and His words were the keys needed to release the locks on the chains that bound so many.  On Thursday I told Dave I wasn't going to do it.  It was too much and I couldn't handle it.  I was angry at God because He seemed to have left me.  I was driving when I told Him, "I don't even want to hear your music." and I switched the radio station.  God showed up anyway.  The song "Just the way you are" by Billy Joel was playing.  The words, "I love you just the way you are" let me know that God was serenading me, but one line really shook me, "What will it take 'til you believe in me, the way that I believe in you?"  I ended up at the church in prayer with Dave for twenty minutes before I knew, I was going to do it.  I was going to tell my story and trust God to do His work.  I went to a group I attend that night and spoke to them about hearing God, giving several examples of the amazing ways He has spoken to me.  How could I walk away from Him?  What good would come from my scars if nobody saw them?

   The Holy Spirit whispered to me this morning, "Tell them what you really saw."  What I saw was beyond human comprehension without the Holy Spirit's kiss on my eyes to open them to a whole new world.  This is not fantasy.  This is the world around us that anyone can see if you trust and believe.

     I walked into the church hours before the service was to begin.  A few of us gathered to pray over the atmosphere and for the people who would gather there.  A group of women walked from door to door and prayed over it and what was allowed to pass through it.  As they prayed Angels were stationed at each door.  Tall angels with a staff in their hand.  All they had to do was pound that staff on the floor and the demons who attempted to enter would flee.  As each person entered an angel would take position behind them and follow them where ever they wandered.  There were a few demons who got through the door only because the person they were with was holding their hand, refusing to let go, but most of them would flee shortly after the service began, escorted to the door by that person's assigned angel.
     As worship began I could hear the angels staffs hit the floor with the beat of the drum.  Demons were fleeing from Burlington, beyond the walls of the church.  I'm pretty sure Satan was pitching a major fit.  Commanding his army to attack, but they would fizzle out in fear as they approached.  
     The Holy Spirit never left me.  He moved my mouth and pushed my voice out through it.  All I had to do was sit there totally surrendered.  There were a few moments when He would wrap His arms around me and kiss my head.  
     The most moving and amazing time was after the service as almost in slow motion people would walk by me to leave and our eyes would lock.  I could see a new freedom in some as their angels followed them out the door.  I could see hope in wet eyes as they thanked me for allowing God to use me.  I could see my brothers and sisters in Christ kneel with people to pray as their angels stood behind them and the Holy Spirit reached out of them to touch the person they were praying with and fill them, pushing out their unbelief, fear and negativity.  
     I also saw broken people leave holding the hands of the demons who had tried desperately to talk them out of coming to the service, but each one was followed out the door by an angel who softly winked at me with a gentle smile.  "I got this."
     During the last service a demon made an attempt to shut me up.  I believe this demon was not happy because a person who wrestles with abuse was hearing God's word.  The most amazing thing happened.  I became aware of an angel standing behind me.  He was big.  I had asked God to show me an angel this weekend and He blessed me.  Every time the demon would attempt an attack, the angel would pound his staff on the floor and I heard it every time.  All I could do is smile as the demon backed off and eventually left.
     I saw things this weekend I have heard about in the Bible but never experienced.  There were people laughing as though they were drunk, but they were filled with the Holy Spirit.  I know this because I was one of them.  I have not laughed like that in years and it was better than any alcohol I have ever touched.  I saw God's quiet and gentle soldiers put on their armor and step forth to fight with skill, love, confidence and determination like I have never seen.  They were fierce and the enemy knew the power they possessed.  I heard Jesus laugh.  He filled that room with Himself, with the Love that He is and it messed people up.
     I have never felt so honored.  I have never felt so loved.  So as I polish up my armor today and rest my aching spiritual and physical muscles, I'm listening for the trumpet's call to suit up and show up.  I will fight the enemy with a new confidence.  When chains fall off of your spirit, it changes you in ways you can't imagine.  The desire to set others free grows bigger than anything I want for myself.  I pray for each set of eyes that left this weekend with pain in them.  I know the battle.  I know the enemy was waiting to get each person alone so he could undo the damage that God and God's army did to his plan.   He has no power unless it is given to him.  If you feel under attack, just whisper the name of Jesus over and over until you feel Him show up and the walls fall.  You have an army praying and fighting for you.  Excuse my language, but the enemy is a pansy ass, don't hand him your sword.  CUT HIM OFF WITH IT!!

You use the weak to lead the strong - Your Grace is Enough - Matt Maher