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Thursday, August 22, 2013

God never uses Chains

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.”
Abraham Lincoln

     There is a huge misconception in the world of prostituted women. I listened to a group of these women the other day talk about how they got sucked in.  The power the pimps have over these women is given to them by the women, because they are broken.  They have never taken the power given to them by God, because they don't know what to do with it, so through manipulation they hand the power over to the pimps.
     There is a book out there written by a pimp on how to be a pimp.  I have not read it, only heard about it, but one thing he says in the book is how to tell if a women can be controlled.  Compliment her.  They hang out in bus stops and malls.  They find a girl who appears to be weak and compliment her.  If they say something like, "That's an awesome outfit you are wearing", they can tell by the response if the woman can be taken.  If she says something like, "Get lost" then they do just that, because she is too strong.  But if she looks down at her outfit and squeaks out a "Really? You think so?" you got her.  She will be easily taken.  This is sick.  It makes my stomach hurt.
     The group of women I was listening to began to talk about the dream.  The pimp would share his dream with her, make her feel like she was a part of it, that she was special and then she would work hard for him to acquire his dream.  As they were talking about this, I was thinking, "I don't belong here."  These girls have suffered in ways I just don't understand.  But then the woman next to me spoke and blew me off my chair.  "He said I was special and he loved me.  He said we were going to do big things.  He had never met anyone like me.  When I bought into it, he moved on to the next girl."
    These are obviously words used by someone who wants control over another human being.  Maybe it's an abusive man who wants control over a woman's life.  Maybe it's a boss who wants to exploit your abilities for his or her gain.  These words can be used by anyone.  We can't just take control over another's life, so we learn to manipulate.  It's easiest to take control over a submissive person.  I just realized this is the enemy using God's words.  The enemy looks for the broken the same as God.  God's words are powerful.  No wonder the enemy imitates Him, because He is all knowing.
     Seriously, these are God's words to us and the enemy is using them.  God does say we are special, He loves us, we are going to do big things if we follow Him, and we are unique in His eyes.  We have to hear the Lord so we know if these words, when spoken to us are genuine.  We have to pray for discernment to know whether the speaker is in it for God's glory or their own.  
     I have heard these words.  It wasn't about prostitution.  It was about ministry.  Beware of men who surround themselves with broken women.  Who do they give the glory to? 

“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”
Abraham Lincoln

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