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Thursday, October 10, 2013


Throughout the bible the word repent is nearly always a call to God's people to return to their relationship with Him. - Dr. Henry Blackaby

     Because the Lord has had me reading about Daniel, Jeremiah and Samuel, I decided there was a theme going here I might as well get on board with.  So, I have read several books or parts of books on prophets.  The curiosities I have are what sets them apart or makes them different, the relationship between prophets and kings and what is their role today.  I believe God is trying to show me something big here.  I like to fall asleep with a good audio book, but this latest one is keeping me awake.  I think this is going to be a huge lesson and I pray I am prepared for it.
     Henry Blackaby talks about when ever God's people began to move away from the covenant He had with them, He would send a prophet.  I believe that is why prophets always seemed to be warning kings instead of patting them on the back.  This makes sense to me.  This also makes sense as to why false prophets were believed, because kings wanted a little good news.  I guess they thought following God was supposed to be easy.  Ha.  Whenever I read about how the Church is supposed to behave themselves, I always apply it to the individual believer too.  I believe God sends individuals to individuals who are wandering away from Him.
     Another thing I do is compare the church to the military.  So, forgive my lack of knowledge here and it is okay to laugh.  But think about this picture.  You have a military force set to take over an area of land.  The man in charge, top dog, whatever you want to call him, gives an order to the men below him.  Let's just say there are 7 of them and they each have their group of men under them.  In order to take over this town, He will most likely be giving different orders to each of the 7 on how they are to lead their men and do their part in the take over.  What if 3 or 4 of these guys decided not to listen to their commander and go out on what they think their group should do.  Would the town be won?  There is a good chance everything would fall apart.  Can you imagine how frustrated that leader would be when he gets where he has decided he needs to be and there is no support?
     What I get out of what Blackaby is saying in this book is that He has chosen those top ranking officers in His army and they are called apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.  They are called to equip His people so that the body can be built up.  When Samuel came on the scene, there was a big mess, because people were all doing what they thought was right in their own eyes.  Can you imagine?  If we go back to the military picture it's almost comical.  The ones who listened to God would be here and there around the city, while others picked flowers and a few more had a picnic.  A little group swimming at the lake and a group, building a house on the sand.  Maybe none of them are doing anything wrong, but most of them aren't doing what is right, what is needed to advance the kingdom.
     Blackaby stresses that He has called these people into these 5 positions to give God's word, God's message to the people.  God has this purpose that is too big for our little earthly eyes, so He breaks it down, gives us these leaders and their responsibility is to bring us His messages.  So, what happens, when you belong to a group who has a leader, who is giving you his own messages from his own head, because he thinks he knows some stuff.  What he is saying is probably true and even good, if it is coming from the bible, but is it fitting in with God's plan?  As you listen, and digest what he has said, you still feel this emptiness.  You can't put your finger on it, but your spirit is hungry for something it is not getting.  On the other hand, your head is full of stuff you don't know what to do with.  I have heard pastors complain that people leave their church because they are not getting fed.  I get this.  I get their frustration.  I have even heard them say people are looking here and there for what God is doing.  Well, yes, I want to be a part of a troupe that is in it's right position for what God is doing as a whole. 
     Blackaby also talks about how leaders are leading from a business position, but the Church is not a business.  He says we are not a people of vision, but of revelation.  So many times we hear leaders ask what our vision is, when what we should be looking for is revelation to God's plan.  Vision is the worlds way of leadership.  The Church should be led from the heart, and that heart should be listening to the Holy Spirit.  Lord, what message do you have for them today?  What do you want me to feed the flock?  Only God knows what is going on in the hearts of every single member of the Church.  Only God knows the perfect message for that group of people.  And it is only God who knows and will tell us which branch of the military we belong in and what unit, squad, platoon, whatever you want to call it.  It made so much sense to me, I couldn't sleep. 
     Blackaby did not compare this to the military in his book, that's just how my heart processed what I was hearing.  It made it all make sense.  He did go on to talk about burnout.  When you do it on your own, God doesn't have to support it.  We have so many apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers trying to do their own thing on their own strength and burning out.  He even talked about how in one weekend 17 pastors walked away from their churches and the reason one of the pastors gave was there was conflict in the church and he didn't want to be perceived as being a part of that.  Well, the bible has something to say about a shepherd who abandons his sheep.  Shepherds are called to lay their lives down to protect their sheep.  John 10 talks about this, the hireling and the shepherd who has lost his shepherds heart.  This is really sad.  A shepherd with a hardened heart is dangerous and God is not happy.  A shepherd who puts his flock in the hands of one not truly called by God is also dangerous.  The Lord appoints Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.  He equips.
     When we listen to the Holy Spirit, He gives us everything we need to follow the will of the Father.  We are all disciples and this rule applies to each of us.  I know for myself, that I have heard words like, "That was a beautiful prayer."  I sit there with a sheep in the headlights look on my face, because I can't even remember what all I said.  Why?  because it wasn't me.  It was the Holy Spirit through me.  There have been other times when I have been impressed by what comes out of my mouth and that is another big clue it was not me.  God is the only one who can reach the deepest wounds and the deepest parts of our hearts.  God is the only one to convict us or judge us.  We as His messengers have to be listening to the messages He is giving us to give others or else the Glory is ours, not His and that is wrong in His eyes.  To God be ALL the glory. 
     When I hear God say He is looking for a people He can trust, I believe this is exactly what He is talking about.  Words are powerful and His words are even more powerful because they are His.  Our words have power, but if they are outside His will they can do more harm than good.  Joyce Meyer says, "As many as you can hurt, you can help."  She also says, "It's not about reading the word, it's about obeying the Word."

Ephesians 4:11-16

New International Version (NIV)
11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

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