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Saturday, October 12, 2013


“If there is no element of asceticism in our lives, if we give free rein to the desires of the flesh (taking care of course to keep within the limits of what seems permissible to the world), we shall find it hard to train for the service of Christ. When the flesh is satisfied it is hard to pray with cheerfulness or to devote oneself to a life of service which calls for much self-renunciation.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship  

     It seems God is really throwing the lessons at me lately.  It was a simple trip to the store that turned into a 30 minute read and discussion in the parking lot.  I was involved in a discussion earlier today about Halloween.  I don't celebrate it.  It was a debate on the roots of the holiday - are they Christ roots or Satanic roots.  To me it doesn't really matter at this point.  I know the enemy's followers celebrate it in some evil ways.  I want nothing to do with that. 
     There are lots of people out there who say not to give the enemy glory and I agree, but we have to be aware.  It's frustrating to me, when I see what he is doing and I'm labeled as crazy.  Sometimes God has me step forward with a word and I am labeled crazy or He has me be quiet and I feel crazy.  Too many people, especially in this country, like to keep the wool pulled over there eyes.  We can't do that either.  Ephesians 6 says to be prepared.
     The lesson started in a different book I was reading on Jeremiah.  It talked of how he was prepared for his position of Prophet.  I started thinking and conversing with God about this.  Some of us get focused on our own little world or role.  Some of don't even think past it and we want smaller roles, bigger roles, more glamorous roles.  The soldier may be a combat soldier, admin, medical or cook.  They are all needed to make this work.  Step up the ladder one rung and you will see someone with a little bigger picture of what's going on.  Another rung, a bigger picture until you reach the president.  In the Church story it's the same idea, but God is the only one with the whole picture. 
     God has been talking to me about my role in His military and I have to be honest, I have kicked my feet a little bit.  It's fear.  it's fear of not being who He says I am.  His picture of me is soooooo different than mine.  Ha.  It has gotten closer to His, but it has been quite a process.  He knows our role before we are born.  He uses our lives in ways we don't understand to train us for that role.  Over the last two years I have seen several instances, where some seemingly insignificant moment in my life actually helped me to fulfill the things He has asked me to do.  We receive hours, days, months, years, and decades of training.  For example David killing the lion and the bear in preparation to killing Goliath.  But that is really a small part of David's life.  He killed tens of thousands.  I go back to comparing David and Saul. 
     I asked the Lord the other day when I was feeling a little out of place, "Tell me who I am."  I was dealing with doubt.  Have I been hearing Him?  Is this really where he wants me?  What He wants me doing?  He gave me a verse that spoke loudly to me.  Basically telling me, I am His and I have an obligation, not to my flesh, but to Him and His plan.  I found a lot of security in that.  Also, what I heard was that the doubt came from my flesh.  I had to let go and keep moving forward.
     This is where the importance comes in.  Forty some odd years of training for a job is a lot of training.  If I spent all that time training for accounting only a fool would put me in a sales position.  I'm starting to understand why God's army of believers can be such a mess.  Leaders are trained to be leaders.  Teachers are trained to be teachers.  Admin is trained for admin.  When we get in the wrong job, the whole plan of God does not move forward as smoothly or in the way He had planned.  I'm really seeing how hearing His voice is so important to each of us.  Listening and hearing is very important to those in authority over others.  If your boss doesn't recognize your talent, if they don't hear where God has said to put you in the army, well then I believe people will be killed, spiritually.  You don't send a chow wagon to do a tanks job. 

“Some spiritual leaders try to be more committed. What they need is to be more submitted.”
Henry T. Blackaby

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