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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Prayer + Worship = Love

“Intercessory prayer is exceedingly prevalent. What wonders it has wrought! The Word of God teams with its marvelous deeds. Believer, thou hast a mighty engine in thy hand, use it well, use it constantly, use it with faith, and thou shalt surely be a benefactor to thy brethren.”

     It seems the attacks of the enemy are out of the ordinary lately for everyone around me.  Every direction I look someone is under a huge attack.  The last couple days have been a little strange.  I feel this huge sense of loss.  I feel like I am spinning around in circles as I receive text, emails, messages, from people asking for prayer.  I am under attack!! 
     I was talking to a friend yesterday morning and it hit me, a word from God maybe.  Why were we both being overwhelmed with feelings?  Because it keeps us from prayer.  We might be praying about our stuff, but we become too wrapped up to pray for others.  I have heard and even wrote about how the enemy attacks the Church by first wiping out prayer (teams) and then attacking worship (teams).  Why wouldn't he do this to individuals.
     This friend and I don't have any really big issues going on in our lives when we stop to think about it, so where are these feelings coming from?  When I asked God, He said they were not all ours.  We both have been called to step in to pray for others and there are times we get together and that's all we do.  We pray for each person in each area God puts on our hearts.  If the enemy can attack us in a way that gets us totally wrapped up in our own hurt, worry, etc. we won't be praying for others. 
     There are other ways the enemy stops prayer too.  He speaks shame over us, so we don't reach out and ask for prayer.  Being as sick as our secrets can mean not sharing and getting prayer.  Individuals do this, and churches do this.  I have had issues in the past and shared them with one or two people to pray with me, but when I mentioned it to a larger group, not only did I get more prayer, but I received insight and words of knowledge I would not have received otherwise.  Also, others with similar issues were helped.  The enemy will use different ways to stop prayer, when prayer is our most powerful weapon.  Let the Lord lead in who and what to pray for.  He can tell us where prayer is needed when others don't share.  When He puts someone on your heart, ask if there is a specific area in their life that needs prayer.  The two most important weapons we cannot allow the enemy to take from us are prayer and worship.  Anything stopping you from doing that is not from God.  Don't let the enemy stop you from praying and/or worshipping, because these are the ways we show love to the Father.

“We might be wise to follow the insight of the enraptured heart rather than the more cautious reasoning of the theological mind.”
A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

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