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Friday, July 6, 2012

His Voice

"As followers of Christ we are not to believe or act on things that make no sense and that we only hope to make work for our ends, no matter how respected those things might be" - Dallas Willard

     I think our biggest fear in hearing from God is that we may be hearing Satan in disguise.  This is a legitimate concern.  This is why we have to allow God to teach us to hear His voice, to recognize it.  We cling to the Bible because we know it is the word of God, we can trust that it is truly God speaking to us.  But as soldiers in the army of God when doing battle wouldn't it be nice to hear your commanders voice rather than frantically thumbing through the pages of His book to find the needed weapon for the battle at hand?  Sometimes that is what we need to do and memorize scriptures to use at a moments notice, but what about the day we are thrown into battle and our Bible is at home on the coffee table?
     When thrown into battle isn't it nice to know the commander is fighting next to you.  He is right there to guide you and encourage you.  How frustrating it would be to fight alongside your commander and not be able to hear His voice.  Or to mistake the voice of the enemy. 
      One way to know if God is speaking to you is that the words you hear must line up with the words written in the Bible.  God will not speak against the written Word.  The more conversation we engage in, the more familiar the voice.  Think about the words of someone you trust.  There is a lot to be said for the comfort found in a familiar safe voice.  A year ago when I began this battle to change, Dave and I talked through email, but there was a day, when I was very upset and we talked on the phone.  I don't remember the words he said to me as much as I remember the comfort I found in his voice.  I had heard him speak enough times that when I heard his voice on the phone, I recognized it and I found peace in it.  There have been times since then that a phone call has given me the peace I couldn't find in the written email.  These memories make me think about my kids and grand kids as I have rocked them to sleep, talking to them, comforting them with my voice.  It is not always the words spoken as much as it is the comfort that reaches our heart through the familiar sound. 

James 3:17 (NIV)

17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

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