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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Baggage or Luggage?

The gap between aspiration and achievement is always development.  Don't focus on what you lack.  If you see the difference as a discrepancy then you become that discrepancy, you become discouraged.  If you see the difference as your critical point of transformation then you can become encouraged. - Graham Cooke

    For many years I watched Joyce Meyer in the mornings to get me through the day.  She convinced me that I am a survivor.  Then God pointed me in the direction of Beth Moore.  I have read her books, watched her DVDs and listened to CD after CD.  She convinced me that I have value.  Now God has put Graham Cooke in my life.  I listen to him everyday and I am amazed at how God talks to me through him.  Not only have I survived and have value, but I am about to go out and kick some demonic butt.  This guy stokes me up.  He makes me want to march out into the world and smother demonic influence, beat the tar out of some evil spirits and to steal a line from Dave, push in some pillars.  I am repairing the tracks on my bulldozer.
     Graham compares our lives to a video game of all things.  We move from room to room picking up weapons to be used when we need them.  The rooms represent trials in our lives and the weapons represent the lessons we have learned and will use against the enemy.  He says we spend too much time worrying about what the enemy will take from us instead of planning what we can take from the enemy.  I plan on taking some serious stuff.  Graham said instead of carrying baggage, we should be carrying luggage with our weapons inside.  I like that.
     This lesson basically is saying the same thing as turn your pain into you promise.  Turn your misery into your ministry.  Beauty for ashes.  If you go back through your life you can see how all those trials have given you knowledge and strength.  Well, that's if you have emptied out the baggage and filled your luggage.
     When we look for value in our lives aren't we all saying the same thing?  What can I do to make someone else's life better.  Who can I make smile?  Who's burden can I help carry?  To lift people up, to love others,  isn't that where we get our real value.  Today I heard Graham say something that really struck me.  We focus on sin.  God doesn't.  God handled that problem with His Son's life.  Case closed.  He doesn't want us focusing on the dead man, but on the person we are becoming in Him.  We don't love our kids when they have grown into successful and happy, well behaved adults, we love them through the journey.  Our hearts hurt for them through trials.  We jump up and down with their successes.  Why wouldn't God?  He got that ugly sin out of the way, it's handled.  If we fall back into it once in awhile don't shrink back in fear of punishment, but move closer to God for comfort.  He knows how you feel about it and maybe telling Him will make you feel better, but then move on, move closer.

"For the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, Do all the good you can, To all the people you can, In all the ways you can, As long as ever you can." - Epitaph, tombstone inscription in Shrewsbury, England

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