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Monday, September 3, 2012

In with the New

“Will God ever ask you to do something you are not able to do? The answer is yes--all the time! It must be that way, for God's glory and kingdom. If we function according to our ability alone, we get the glory; if we function according to the power of the Spirit within us, God gets the glory. He wants to reveal Himself to a watching world.” 
― Henry T. BlackabyExperiencing the Spirit: The Power of Pentecost Every Day

     Today was a day of learning.  It was one of those days when I felt my heart change.  I felt the Holy Spirit on a new level.   I focused on my identity in Christ.  My earthly identity is dead and I am putting it behind me.  I heard some one say once that it always seems that when something really good happens then something bad happens.  When you connect on a deeper level with God, Satan attacks.  Then he said, "What if we have this backward?"  What if God knows Satan is going to attack so He gives you a good experience first to lift you through the enemy's attack.  I like that.
     This morning I wondered why we are not taken to heaven the minute we turn our lives over to God, but immediately realized what a silly thought that was.  Who would reach out to those unsaved people?  Who would be an example of God's love.  Today I learned to look at the attacks of Satan differently.  God could take him out and not let him touch us.  The challenge is not from Satan, but from God.  Each attack is a learning experience, a lesson selected by Him. Spiritual warfare consists more of teaching people to live in their identity and be at peace in Christ than actually rebuking demons.  It's like when you are really furious with some one and they just smile at you and say nothing, that's what we should be doing to the enemy.  Resting in the peace of God.  Beating negative with positive.  All the lessons are to shape you into the person He needs you to be.
     I also learned today the difference between what's true and what's truth.  What's true might be that you have a bad temper, but the truth if you are reborn in Christ is that you are a new creature.  That old angry person is dead, they just might not know it yet.  Instead of binding someone with what is true about their personality, lift them up with truth, who they are in Christ.
     My favorite lesson today was God wants us to thrive, not survive.  Vengeance isn't getting even it's being set free.  The truth shall set you free.  God is the truth, so it now makes even more sense why vengeance is His.  Your testimony gives you authority.  Whatever you have been set free from you now have the authority to set others free.  More people set free equals more vengeance.  
     So in order to change you don't concentrate so much on changing behavior but on finding who you are in Christ.  There was an exercise suggested that I plan on doing.  List every negative thing about yourself.  All the things you find yourself saying about you.  Number them on a sheet of paper.  Then on a new sheet of paper ask the Holy Spirit to tell you what the opposite of each one is.  Whatever He tells you describes who God wants you to be and how He sees you.  Throw out the old negative list and focus on the list that came straight from God.
I like it.  I will sleep well tonight.  I love days like this and wanted to share.

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
C.S. Lewis

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