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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In God's image?

“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.” Gandhi

     I've been watching a documentary on a priest who molested many children over many years.  The mother of one of those children said, "He was the closest thing to God we knew."  These families took this man into their homes and trusted him with their most precious gifts from God and he used God to get to them.  This morning I've been thinking about all the ways people present a false image to get what they want.  A child molester is the ultimate insecure person.  He or she is unable to relate to adults intimately.  I believe this is because they suffered some kind of abuse that has left them immature emotionally.
     How many times we hear, "He seemed like such a nice person."  Years ago I heard a story about a man who died and only then did they discover he was a she.  His/Her wife had no idea, because they had never had a sexual relationship.  This is a betrayal I can't even imagine.  Ted Bundy was said to be "A very charming" man.  There's a false image that opened the door for him to torture and murder women.
     Portraying a false image of who a person truly is, is born from insecurity.  When we think about molesters, murderers and even less violent criminals like men who marry several women and take their money, we are disgusted by their actions and angered by their deception.  These things are awful, but I think the worst false image can be that of a believer.
     We pretend we have it all together.  We pretend we are someone we are not.  We go to church raise our hands, sing with tears streaming down our faces, but who are we when we leave?  The one thing about liars that they seem to be unaware of, is people see through them.  Some people believe the facade, but a lot of people see through them.  They proudly walk around with a cross around their neck and an "I love Jesus" bumper sticker while cutting people off, parking in the handicap spot, and making rude gestures.  Maybe they aren't that bad, maybe they just tell little white lies, and only talk about others on occasion, and manipulate only when they really need something done.  But there are nonbelievers watching and seeing through the false image and they are totally turned off to the whole "God thing".
     I think we can all change the image of believers by just being honest.  Not perfect, just honest.  I don't think nonbelievers expect us to be perfect and not be fighting internal battles and struggling with normal life challenges, but I think they do expect us to be honest.  As many people as we can help, we can hurt. 
    The truth says, "I'm okay".  The lies say, "I'm not okay."  The true me is not good enough.  As lies turn people away, the truth attracts them.  I have proof of this when I think back to a moment that changed me.  When I heard Dave get up on a stage in front of hundreds of people and tell the truth.  He told about his failure, his struggles, and his recovery.  Is this not what people want to hear?  I am human and I make mistakes, but God loves me anyway and is shaping me into a better person.  Isn't that what nonbelievers are looking for?  Love, honesty, and hope?  No wonder  Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6 (NIV)
     If we change nothing else, let's trust our God, the Truth, and stop lying.

“Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

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