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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Intimate Witness

     Intimacy develops unique knowledge.  The most intimate witness to my childhood was my sister.  As we grow up our siblings are the most privy to the world that shapes our character.  They are the only people who have any knowledge of what it is like to be born to our parents and to grow up in our home. Though even when we are raised together in the same home, we each have our own field of experience that shapes us into individuals.
     Our most intimate witness is God.  He is there from the moment of conception.  We say we hold those dear to us in our hearts, but Jesus is truly the only one who can see into our hearts.  He knows every single thing there is to know about us, beyond what we even know about ourselves. 
     We don't choose our siblings, but we choose our spouse. God has gifted a unique intimacy for marriage.  This should be the most intimate witness to who we truly are.  Our spouse should know us better than anyone, except God.  Knowledge and intimacy feed each other.  The more you know the closer you become and the more intimate you become, the more you learn about each other.
     There are several things that get in the way of intimacy.  Bondage whispered to us by Satan.  Our past baggage, hurts and pain surround us making it impossible to get close to another.  Most of us have seen the example of the triangle where God is at the top and as the husband and wife draw nearer to Him they automatically draw nearer to each other.  This triangle can be used in all of our relationships. 
     As you clear away the baggage and heal the hurts that come between you and God and you grow closer to Him your ability for intimacy develops.  Trust me when I say this can be very frightening.  As I work through removing the baggage stacked around me, I feel closer to people.  A lifetime of constant lonliness is slowly fading.  I don't feel so isolated in a room full of people.  There is a willingness to really connect with others that was never a part of my life before.  It becomes less scary to trust, because I'm learning to put my trust in Him. 

     As He has been an intimate witness to our lives, God wants us to be intimate witnesses for Him.

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